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Python fft.fftfreq函数代码示例

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本文整理汇总了Python中numpy.fft.fftfreq函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python fftfreq函数的具体用法?Python fftfreq怎么用?Python fftfreq使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: get_spectrum_1d

def get_spectrum_1d(data_reg,x_reg,y_reg):
    """Compute the 1d power spectrum.
    # remove the mean and squarize
    jpj,jpi = data_reg.shape
    msize = min(jpj,jpi)
    data_reg = data_reg[:msize-1,:msize-1]
    x_reg = x_reg[:msize-1,:msize-1]
    y_reg = y_reg[:msize-1,:msize-1]
    # wavenumber vector
    x1dreg,y1dreg = x_reg[0,:],y_reg[:,0]
    Ni,Nj = msize-1,msize-1
    k_max  = npy.pi / dx
    kx = fft.fftshift(fft.fftfreq(Ni, d=1./(2.*k_max)))
    ky = fft.fftshift(fft.fftfreq(Nj, d=1./(2.*k_max)))
    kkx, kky = npy.meshgrid( ky, kx )
    Kh = npy.sqrt(kkx**2 + kky**2)
    Nmin  = min(Ni,Nj)
    leng  = Nmin/2+1
    kstep = npy.zeros(leng)
    kstep[0] =  k_max / Nmin
    for ind in range(1, leng):
        kstep[ind] = kstep[ind-1] + 2*k_max/Nmin
    norm_factor = 1./( (Nj*Ni)**2 )
    # tukey windowing = tapered cosine window
    cff_tukey = 0.25
    yw=npy.linspace(0, 1, Nj)
    wdw_j = npy.ones(yw.shape)
    xw=npy.linspace(0, 1, Ni)
    wdw_i= npy.ones(xw.shape)
    first_conditioni = xw<cff_tukey/2
    first_conditionj = yw<cff_tukey/2
    wdw_i[first_conditioni] = 0.5 * (1 + npy.cos(2*npy.pi/cff_tukey * (xw[first_conditioni] - cff_tukey/2) ))
    wdw_j[first_conditionj] = 0.5 * (1 + npy.cos(2*npy.pi/cff_tukey * (yw[first_conditionj] - cff_tukey/2) ))
    third_conditioni = xw>=(1 - cff_tukey/2)
    third_conditionj = yw>=(1 - cff_tukey/2)
    wdw_i[third_conditioni] = 0.5 * (1 + npy.cos(2*npy.pi/cff_tukey * (xw[third_conditioni] - 1 + cff_tukey/2)))
    wdw_j[third_conditionj] = 0.5 * (1 + npy.cos(2*npy.pi/cff_tukey * (yw[third_conditionj] - 1 + cff_tukey/2)))
    wdw_ii, wdw_jj = npy.meshgrid(wdw_j, wdw_i, sparse=True)
    wdw = wdw_ii * wdw_jj
    #2D spectrum
    cff  = norm_factor
    tempamp=cff * npy.real(tempconj*fft.fft2(data_reg))
    #1D spectrum
    leng    = len(kstep)
    spec_1d = npy.zeros(leng)
    krange     = Kh <= kstep[0]
    spec_1d[0] = spec_2d[krange].sum()
    for ind in range(1, leng):
        krange = (kstep[ind-1] < Kh) & (Kh <= kstep[ind])
        spec_1d[ind] = spec_2d[krange].sum()
    spec_1d[0] /= kstep[0]
    for ind in range(1, leng):
        spec_1d[ind] /= kstep[ind]-kstep[ind-1]
    return spec_1d, kstep

示例2: B_ell

def B_ell(flat_map, component, bin_size, window=None):
    Return the binned beam function of the given flat map component,
    using ell bins of bin_size. If a window name is given, multiply
    the map component by the window function before taking the 2-D

    The returned beam function is the absolute value of the DFT, so it
    has the same units as the map component. The returned bins array
    contains the left edges of the bins corresponding to the returned
    data: for all i in range(bins.size),
    bins[i] <= data[i] < bins[i+1]
    ell_x, ell_y= np.meshgrid(fftshift(fftfreq(flat_map.x.size, flat_map.dx()/(2*np.pi))),
                              fftshift(fftfreq(flat_map.y.size, flat_map.dy()/(2*np.pi))))
    ell_x = ell_x.T
    ell_y = ell_y.T
    ell_r = np.sqrt(ell_x**2 + ell_y**2)
    ell_bins = np.arange(0, np.max(ell_r), bin_size)
    beam = flat_map[component]
    if window is not None:
        beam *= get_window(window, flat_map.y.size)
        beam *= get_window(window, flat_map.x.size)[:, np.newaxis]
    dft = fftshift(fft2(beam))
    # Shift the indices down by 1 so that they correspond to the data
    # indices. These indices should always be valid indices for the
    # DFT data because r_ell has a lower bound at 0 and max(r_ell)
    # will have index ell_bins.size.
    bin_indices = np.digitize(ell_r.flatten(), ell_bins) - 1
    binned = np.zeros(ell_bins.size) # dtype?
    for i in range(binned.size):
        binned[i] = np.sqrt(np.mean(abs(dft.flatten()[i==bin_indices])**2))
    return ell_bins, binned, dft

示例3: applyPreconditioner

    def applyPreconditioner(self, arr):

        ftMap = fft2(arr)

        Ny = (arr.shape)[0]
        Nx = (arr.shape)[1]

        pixScaleX = (
            numpy.abs(self.ra1 - self.ra0)
            / Nx
            * numpy.pi
            / 180.0
            * numpy.cos(numpy.pi / 180.0 * 0.5 * (self.dec0 + self.dec1))
        pixScaleY = numpy.abs(self.dec1 - self.dec0) / Ny * numpy.pi / 180.0

        lx = 2 * numpy.pi * fftfreq(Nx, d=pixScaleX)
        ly = 2 * numpy.pi * fftfreq(Ny, d=pixScaleY)

        ix = numpy.mod(numpy.arange(Nx * Ny), Nx)
        iy = numpy.arange(Nx * Ny) / Nx

        lMap = ftMap * 0.0

        lMap[iy, ix] = numpy.sqrt(lx[ix] ** 2 + ly[iy] ** 2)

        lOverl0 = lMap / self.l0

        Fl = self.A * ((lOverl0) ** self.alpha) / (1.0 + lOverl0 ** self.alpha)

        filteredFtMap = ftMap / Fl

        filteredFtMap[0, 0] = 0.0  # avoids nan and makes mean 0

        arr[:, :] = (numpy.real(ifft2(filteredFtMap)))[:, :]

示例4: icwt2d

    def icwt2d(self, da=0.25):
        Inverse bi-dimensional continuous wavelet transform as in Wang and
        Lu (2010), equation [5].

        da : float, optional
            Spacing in the frequency axis.
        if self.Wf is None:
            raise TypeError("Run cwt2D before icwt2D")
        m0, l0, k0 = self.Wf.shape

        if m0 != self.scales.size:
            raise Warning('Scale parameter array shape does not match\
                           wavelet transform array shape.')
        # Calculates the zonal and meridional wave numters.
        L, K = 2 ** int(np.ceil(np.log2(l0))), 2 ** int(np.ceil(np.log2(k0)))
        # Calculates the zonal and meridional wave numbers.
        l, k = fftfreq(L, self.dy), fftfreq(K, self.dx)
        # Creates empty inverse wavelet transform array and fills it for every
        # discrete scale using the convolution theorem.
        self.iWf = np.zeros((m0, L, K), 'complex')
        for i, an in enumerate(self.scales):
            psi_ft_bar = an * self.wavelet.psi_ft(an * k, an * l)
            W_ft = fftn(self.Wf[i, :, :], s=(L, K))
            self.iWf[i, :, :] = ifftn(W_ft * psi_ft_bar, s=(L, K)) *\
                da / an ** 2.

        self.iWf = self.iWf[:, :l0, :k0].real.sum(axis=0) / self.wavelet.cpsi

        return self

示例5: gvecs

    def gvecs(self):
        Array with the reduced coordinates of the G-vectors.

        .. note::

            These are the G-vectors of the FFT box and should be used
            when we compute quantities on the FFT mesh.
            These vectors differ from the gvecs stored in |GSphere| that
            are k-centered and enclosed by a sphere whose radius is defined by ecut.
        gx_list = np.rint(fftfreq(self.nx) * self.nx)
        gy_list = np.rint(fftfreq(self.ny) * self.ny)
        gz_list = np.rint(fftfreq(self.nz) * self.nz)
        #print(gz_list, gy_list, gx_list)

        gvecs = np.empty((self.size, 3), dtype=np.int)

        idx = -1
        for gx in gx_list:
            for gy in gy_list:
                for gz in gz_list:
                    idx += 1
                    gvecs[idx, :] = gx, gy, gz

        return gvecs

示例6: test_definition

 def test_definition(self):
     x = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, -4, -3, -2, -1]
     assert_array_almost_equal(9*fft.fftfreq(9), x)
     assert_array_almost_equal(9*pi*fft.fftfreq(9, pi), x)
     x = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1]
     assert_array_almost_equal(10*fft.fftfreq(10), x)
     assert_array_almost_equal(10*pi*fft.fftfreq(10, pi), x)

示例7: subpixel_shift

def subpixel_shift(img_arr, dx=0.5, inplace=True):
    Shifts an image by a fraction of a pixel in a random direction,
    with circular boundary conditions.

        img_arr (2D ndarray): array to subpixel shift in a random direction
        dx (float): distance in pixel to shift by
        inplace (bool): if True, will modify the array inplace


    f = fft.fft2(img_arr, axes=(0, 1))
    g = np.meshgrid(

    u = npr.normal(0, 1, size=2)
    fk = g[0] * u[0] + g[1] * u[1]
    phi = np.exp(2j * np.pi * dx * fk)

    out = np.real(fft.ifft2(phi[..., np.newaxis] * f, axes=(0, 1)))
    if inplace:
        img_arr[:] = out[:]
        return out

示例8: __call__

    def __call__(self, r):
        """Calculate the characteristic function from the transform of the BaseModel."""

        # Determine q-values.
        # We want very fine r-spacing so we can properly normalize f(r). This
        # equates to having a large qmax so that the Fourier transform is
        # finely spaced. We also want the calculation to be fast, so we pick
        # qmax such that the number of q-points is a power of 2. This allows us
        # to use the fft. 
        # The initial dr is somewhat arbitrary, but using dr = 0.01 allows for
        # the f(r) calculated from a particle of diameter 50, over r =
        # arange(1, 60, 0.1) to agree with the sphericalCF with Rw < 1e-4%.
        # We also have to make a q-spacing small enough to compute out to at
        # least the size of the signal. 
        dr = min(0.01, r[1] - r[0])
        ed = 2 * self._model.calculate_ER()

        # Check for nans. If we find any, then return zeros.
        if numpy.isnan(ed).any():
            y = numpy.zeros_like(r)
            return y

        rmax = max(ed, 2 * r[-1])
        dq = pi / rmax
        qmax = pi / dr
        numpoints = int(2**(ceil(log2(qmax/dq))))
        qmax = dq * numpoints

        # Calculate F(q) = q * I(q) from model
        q = fftfreq(int(qmax/dq)) * qmax
        fq = q * self._model.evalDistribution(q)

        # Calculate g(r) and the effective r-points
        rp = fftfreq(numpoints) * 2 * pi / dq
        # Note sine transform = imaginary part of ifft
        gr = ifft(fq).imag

        # Calculate full-fr for normalization
        assert (rp[0] == 0.0)
        frp = numpy.zeros_like(gr)
        frp[1:] = gr[1:] / rp[1:]

        # Inerpolate onto requested grid, do not use data after jump in rp
        assert (numpoints % 2 == 0)
        nhalf = numpoints / 2
        fr = numpy.interp(r, rp[:nhalf], gr[:nhalf])
        vmask = (r != 0)
        fr[vmask] /= r[vmask]

        # Normalize. We approximate fr[0] by using the fact that f(r) is linear
        # at low r. By definition, fr[0] should equal 1.
        fr0 = 2*frp[2] - frp[1]
        fr /= fr0

        # Fix potential divide-by-zero issue, fr is 1 at r == 0
        fr[~vmask] = 1

        return fr

示例9: _configure

def _configure(infiles, z, df):
    conf.infiles = infiles
    img_hdr = fits.getheader(conf.infiles[0])
    conf.nx = img_hdr['naxis1']
    conf.ny = img_hdr['naxis2']
    conf.nf = MWA_FREQ_EOR_ALL_80KHZ.size
    conf.dx = np.abs(img_hdr['cdelt1']) * np.pi / 180
    conf.dy = np.abs(img_hdr['cdelt2']) * np.pi / 180
    conf.df = df
    conf.du = 1 / (conf.nx * conf.dx)
    conf.dv = 1 / (conf.ny * conf.dy)
    conf.deta = 1 / (conf.nf * conf.df)
    conf.freq = MWA_FREQ_EOR_ALL_80KHZ
    conf.u = fftshift(fftfreq(conf.nx, conf.dx))
    conf.v = fftshift(fftfreq(conf.ny, conf.dy))
    conf.eta = fftshift(fftfreq(conf.nf, conf.df))
    conf.z = z
    conf.cosmo_d = Cosmo.comoving_transverse_distance(conf.z).value
    conf.cosmo_e = np.sqrt(Cosmo.Om0 * (1 + conf.z) ** 3 + Cosmo.Ok0 *
                           (1 + conf.z) ** 2 + Cosmo.Ode0)
    conf.cosmo_h0 = Cosmo.H0.value * 1e3
    conf.cosmo_c = const.si.c.value
    conf.kx = conf.u * 2 * np.pi / conf.cosmo_d
    conf.ky = conf.v * 2 * np.pi / conf.cosmo_d
    conf.dkx = conf.du * 2 * np.pi / conf.cosmo_d
    conf.dky = conf.dv * 2 * np.pi / conf.cosmo_d
    conf.k_perp = np.sqrt(conf.kx ** 2 + conf.ky[np.newaxis, ...].T ** 2)
    conf.k_par = conf.eta * 2 * np.pi * conf.cosmo_h0 * _F21 * \
        conf.cosmo_e / (conf.cosmo_c * (1 + conf.z) ** 2)

示例10: fftFromLiteMap

def fftFromLiteMap(liteMap,applySlepianTaper = False,nresForSlepian=3.0):
    @brief Creates an fft2D object out of a liteMap
    @param liteMap The map whose fft is being taken
    @param applySlepianTaper If True applies the lowest order taper (to minimize edge-leakage)
    @param nresForSlepian If above is True, specifies the resolution of the taeper to use.
    ft = fft2D()
    ft.Nx = liteMap.Nx
    ft.Ny = liteMap.Ny
    flTrace.issue("flipper.fftTools",1, "Taking FFT of map with (Ny,Nx)= (%f,%f)"%(ft.Ny,ft.Nx))
    ft.pixScaleX = liteMap.pixScaleX 
    ft.pixScaleY = liteMap.pixScaleY
    lx =  2*np.pi  * fftfreq( ft.Nx, d = ft.pixScaleX )
    ly =  2*np.pi  * fftfreq( ft.Ny, d = ft.pixScaleY )
    ix = np.mod(np.arange(ft.Nx*ft.Ny),ft.Nx)
    # This was dividing ints, so change below needed to maintain same behaviour in python3
    iy = np.array(np.arange(ft.Nx*ft.Ny)/ft.Nx, dtype = int)     
    modLMap = np.zeros([ft.Ny,ft.Nx])
    modLMap[iy,ix] = np.sqrt(lx[ix]**2 + ly[iy]**2)
    ft.modLMap  =  modLMap
    ft.lx = lx
    ft.ly = ly
    ft.ix = ix
    ft.iy = iy
    ft.thetaMap = np.zeros([ft.Ny,ft.Nx])
    ft.thetaMap[iy[:],ix[:]] = np.arctan2(ly[iy[:]],lx[ix[:]])
    ft.thetaMap *=180./np.pi
    map = liteMap.data.copy()
    #map = map0.copy()
    #map[:,:] =map0[::-1,:]
    taper = map.copy()*0.0 + 1.0

    if (applySlepianTaper) :
            path_to_taper = os.path.join(__FLIPPER_DIR__, "tapers", 'taper_Ny%d_Nx%d_Nres%3.1f'%(ft.Ny,ft.Nx,nresForSlepian))
            f = open(path_to_taper)
            taper = pickle.load(f)
            taper = slepianTaper00(ft.Nx,ft.Ny,nresForSlepian)
            path_to_taper = os.path.join(__FLIPPER_DIR__, "tapers", 'taper_Ny%d_Nx%d_Nres%3.1f'%(ft.Ny,ft.Nx,nresForSlepian))
            f = open(path_to_taper, mode="w")
    ft.kMap = fftfast.fft(map*taper,axes=[-2,-1])
    del map, modLMap, lx, ly
    return ft

示例11: high_pass_filter

def high_pass_filter(img, filtersize=10):
    A FFT implmentation of high pass filter from pyKLIP.
        img: a 2D image
        filtersize: size in Fourier space of the size of the space. In image space, size=img_size/filtersize
        filtered: the filtered image
    if filtersize == 0:
        return img
    # mask NaNs
    nan_index = np.where(np.isnan(img))
    img[nan_index] = 0

    transform = fft.fft2(img)

    # coordinate system in FFT image
    u,v = np.meshgrid(fft.fftfreq(transform.shape[1]), fft.fftfreq(transform.shape[0]))
    # scale u,v so it has units of pixels in FFT space
    rho = np.sqrt((u*transform.shape[1])**2 + (v*transform.shape[0])**2)
    # scale rho up so that it has units of pixels in FFT space
    # rho *= transform.shape[0]
    # create the filter
    filt = 1. - np.exp(-(rho**2/filtersize**2))

    filtered = np.real(fft.ifft2(transform*filt))

    # restore NaNs
    filtered[nan_index] = np.nan
    img[nan_index] = np.nan

    return filtered

示例12: __init__

    def __init__(self, cube, header, phys_units=False):
        super(VCS, self).__init__()

        self.header = header
        self.cube = cube
        self.fftcube = None
        self.correlated_cube = None
        self.ps1D = None
        self.phys_units = phys_units

        if np.isnan(self.cube).any():
            self.cube[np.isnan(self.cube)] = 0
            # Feel like this should be more specific
            self.good_pixel_count = np.sum(self.cube.max(axis=0) != 0)
            self.good_pixel_count = float(self.cube.shape[1] * self.cube.shape[2])

        # Lazy check to make sure we have units of km/s
        if np.abs(self.header["CDELT3"]) > 1:
            self.vel_to_pix = np.abs(self.header["CDELT3"]) / 1000.0
            self.vel_to_pix = np.abs(self.header["CDELT3"])

        self.vel_channels = np.arange(1, self.cube.shape[0], 1)

        if self.phys_units:
            self.vel_freqs = np.abs(fftfreq(self.cube.shape[0])) / self.vel_to_pix
            self.vel_freqs = np.abs(fftfreq(self.cube.shape[0]))

示例13: source_terms

    def source_terms(self, mara, retphi=False):
        from numpy.fft import fftfreq, fftn, ifftn
        ng = mara.number_guard_zones()
        G = self.G
        L = 1.0
        Nx, Ny, Nz = mara.fluid.shape
        Nx -= 2*ng
        Ny -= 2*ng
        Nz -= 2*ng
        P = mara.fluid.primitive[ng:-ng,ng:-ng,ng:-ng]
        rho = P[...,0]
        vx = P[...,2]
        vy = P[...,3]
        vz = P[...,4]

        K = [fftfreq(Nx)[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis] * (2*np.pi*Nx/L),
             fftfreq(Ny)[np.newaxis,:,np.newaxis] * (2*np.pi*Ny/L),
             fftfreq(Nz)[np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:] * (2*np.pi*Nz/L)]
        delsq = -(K[0]**2 + K[1]**2 + K[2]**2)
        delsq[0,0,0] = 1.0 # prevent division by 0

        rhohat = fftn(rho)
        phihat = (4*np.pi*G) * rhohat / delsq
        fx = -ifftn(1.j * K[0] * phihat).real
        fy = -ifftn(1.j * K[1] * phihat).real
        fz = -ifftn(1.j * K[2] * phihat).real

        S = np.zeros(mara.fluid.shape + (5,))
        S[ng:-ng,ng:-ng,ng:-ng,0] = 0.0
        S[ng:-ng,ng:-ng,ng:-ng,1] = rho * (fx*vx + fy*vy + fz*vz)
        S[ng:-ng,ng:-ng,ng:-ng,2] = rho * fx
        S[ng:-ng,ng:-ng,ng:-ng,3] = rho * fy
        S[ng:-ng,ng:-ng,ng:-ng,4] = rho * fz
        return (S, ifftn(phihat).real) if retphi else S

示例14: compare_interpolated_spectrum

def compare_interpolated_spectrum():
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

    out = fft(ifftshift(f_full))
    freqs = fftfreq(len(f_full), d=0.01) # spacing, Ang
    sfreqs = fftshift(freqs)
    taper = gauss_taper(freqs, sigma=0.0496) #Ang, corresponds to 2.89 km/s at 5150A.
    tout = out * taper

    ax.plot(sfreqs, fftshift(tout))

    wl_h, fl_h = np.abs(np.load("PH6.8kms_0.01ang.npy"))
    wl_l, fl_l = np.abs(np.load("PH2.5kms.npy"))

    #end edges
    wl_he = wl_h[200:-200]
    fl_he = fl_h[200:-200]
    interp = Sinc_w(wl_l, fl_l, a=5, window='kaiser')
    fl_hi = interp(wl_he)

    d = wl_he[1] - wl_he[0]
    out = fft(ifftshift(fl_hi))
    freqs = fftfreq(len(out), d=d)
    ax.plot(fftshift(freqs), fftshift(out))


示例15: icwt2d

def icwt2d(W, a, dx=0.25, dy=0.25, da=0.25, wavelet=Mexican_hat()):
    Inverse bi-dimensional continuous wavelet transform as in Wang and
    Lu (2010), equation [5].
        W (array like):
            Wavelet transform, the result of the cwt2d function.
        a (array like, optional):
            Scale parameter array.
        w (class, optional) :
            Mother wavelet class. Default is Mexican_hat()
        iW (array like) :
            Inverse wavelet transform.
    m0, l0, k0 = W.shape
    if m0 != a.size:
        raise Warning('Scale parameter array shape does not match wavelet' \
                       ' transform array shape.')
    # Calculates the zonal and meridional wave numters.
    L, K = 2 ** int(ceil(log2(l0))), 2 ** int(ceil(log2(k0)))
    # Calculates the zonal and meridional wave numbers.
    l, k = fftfreq(L, dy), fftfreq(K, dx)
    # Creates empty inverse wavelet transform array and fills it for every 
    # discrete scale using the convolution theorem.
    iW = zeros((m0, L, K), 'complex')
    for i, an in enumerate(a):
        psi_ft_bar = an * wavelet.psi_ft(an * k, an * l)
        W_ft = fft2(W[i, :, :], s=(L, K))
        iW[i, :, :] = ifft2(W_ft * psi_ft_bar, s=(L, K)) * da / an ** 2.

    return iW[:, :l0, :k0].real.sum(axis=0) / wavelet.cpsi

示例16: gen_wedge_psf

def gen_wedge_psf(nx, ny, nf, dx, dy, df, z, out, threads=None):
    u = fftshift(fftfreq(nx, dx * np.pi / 180))
    v = fftshift(fftfreq(ny, dy * np.pi / 180))
    e = fftshift(fftfreq(nf, df))

    E = np.sqrt(Cosmo.Om0 * (1 + z) ** 3 +
                Cosmo.Ok0 * (1 + z) ** 2 + Cosmo.Ode0)
    D = Cosmo.comoving_transverse_distance(z).value
    H0 = Cosmo.H0.value * 1e3
    c = const.c.value
    print(E, D, H0)
    kx = u * 2 * np.pi / D
    ky = v * 2 * np.pi / D
    k_perp = np.sqrt(kx ** 2 + ky[np.newaxis, ...].T ** 2)
    k_par = e * 2 * np.pi * H0 * f21 * E / (c * (1 + z) ** 2)
    arr = np.ones((nf, nx, ny), dtype='complex128')
    for i in range(nf):
        mask = (k_perp > np.abs(k_par[i]) * c * (1 + z) / (H0 * E * D))
        arr[i][mask] = 0
    np.save('kx.npy', kx)
    np.save('ky.npy', ky)
    np.save('kpar.npy', k_par)
    np.save('wedge_window.npy', arr.real)
    fft_arr = fftshift(fftn(ifftshift(arr))).real
    hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=fft_arr)
    hdr_dict = dict(cdelt1=dx, cdelt2=dy, cdelt3=df,
                    crpix1=nx/2, crpix2=ny/2, crpix3=nf/2,
                    crval1=0, crval2=0, crval3=0,
                    ctype1='RA---SIN', ctype2='DEC--SIN', ctype3='FREQ',
                    cunit1='deg', cunit2='deg', cunit3='Hz')
    for k, v in hdr_dict.items():
        hdu.header[k] = v
    hdu.writeto(out, clobber=True)

示例17: calc_mtf

    def calc_mtf(self):
        mtf, omega_t, omega_f = calc_mtf(self)

        return (fft2(self.causal()),

示例18: fftFromLiteMap

def fftFromLiteMap(liteMap,applySlepianTaper = False,nresForSlepian=3.0,fftType=None):
    @brief Creates an fft2D object out of a liteMap
    @param liteMap The map whose fft is being taken
    @param applySlepianTaper If True applies the lowest order taper (to minimize edge-leakage)
    @param nresForSlepian If above is True, specifies the resolution of the taeper to use.
    ft = fft2D()
    ft.Nx = liteMap.Nx
    ft.Ny = liteMap.Ny
    flTrace.issue("flipper.fftTools",1, "Taking FFT of map with (Ny,Nx)= (%f,%f)"%(ft.Ny,ft.Nx))
    ft.pixScaleX = liteMap.pixScaleX
    ft.pixScaleY = liteMap.pixScaleY
    lx =  2*numpy.pi  * fftfreq( ft.Nx, d = ft.pixScaleX )
    ly =  2*numpy.pi  * fftfreq( ft.Ny, d = ft.pixScaleY )
    ix = numpy.mod(numpy.arange(ft.Nx*ft.Ny),ft.Nx)
    iy = numpy.arange(ft.Nx*ft.Ny)/ft.Nx
    modLMap = numpy.zeros([ft.Ny,ft.Nx])
    modLMap[iy,ix] = numpy.sqrt(lx[ix]**2 + ly[iy]**2)
    ft.modLMap  =  modLMap
    ft.lx = lx
    ft.ly = ly
    ft.ix = ix
    ft.iy = iy
    ft.thetaMap = numpy.zeros([ft.Ny,ft.Nx])
    ft.thetaMap[iy[:],ix[:]] = numpy.arctan2(ly[iy[:]],lx[ix[:]])
    ft.thetaMap *=180./numpy.pi
    map = liteMap.data.copy()
    #map = map0.copy()
    #map[:,:] =map0[::-1,:]
    taper = map.copy()*0.0 + 1.0

    if (applySlepianTaper) :
            f = open(taperDir + os.path.sep + 'taper_Ny%d_Nx%d_Nres%3.1f'%(ft.Ny,ft.Nx,nresForSlepian))
            taper = pickle.load(f)
            taper = slepianTaper00(ft.Nx,ft.Ny,nresForSlepian)
            f = open(taperDir + os.path.sep + 'taper_Ny%d_Nx%d_Nres%3.1f'%(ft.Ny,ft.Nx,nresForSlepian),mode="w")
    if fftType=='fftw3':
        ft.kMap = fft.fft(map*taper,axes=[-2,-1])
        ft.kMap = fft2(map*taper)

    del map, modLMap, lx, ly
    return ft

示例19: get_k

 def get_k(self):
     azisz = self.get_info('azimuth_size')
     azidk = self.get_info('azimuth_dk')
     ransz = self.get_info('range_size')
     randk = self.get_info('range_dk')
     k = (fftshift(fftfreq(azisz))*azisz*azidk,
     return k

示例20: spectral_multiplier

def spectral_multiplier(par,dt):
        return numpy.exp(dt*(par['epsilon']-(par['k0']-kx**2-ky**2)**2))









Python fft.fftn函数代码示例发布时间:2022-05-27
Python fft.fft2函数代码示例发布时间:2022-05-27





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