As @senderle points out, when you use the FFT to implement the convolution, you get the circular convolution. @senderle's answer shows how to adjust the arguments of filters.convolve
to do a circular convolution. To modify the FFT calculation to generate the same result as your original use of filters.convolve
, you can pad the arguments with 0, and then extract the appropriate part of the result:
from scipy.ndimage import filters
import numpy
a = numpy.array([[2.0,43,42,123,461], [453,12,111,123,55], [123,112,233,12,255]])
b = numpy.array([[0.0,2,2,3,0], [0,15,12,100,0], [0,45,32,22,0]])
ab = filters.convolve(a,b, mode='constant', cval=0)
print numpy.around(ab)
nrows, ncols = a.shape
# Assume b has the same shape as a.
# Pad the bottom and right side of a and b with zeros.
pa = numpy.pad(a, ((0, nrows-1), (0, ncols-1)), mode='constant')
pb = numpy.pad(b, ((0, nrows-1), (0, ncols-1)), mode='constant')
paf = numpy.fft.fftn(pa)
pbf = numpy.fft.fftn(pb)
pabf = paf*pbf
p0 = nrows // 2
p1 = ncols // 2
pabif = numpy.fft.ifftn(pabf).real[p0:p0+nrows, p1:p1+ncols]
print pabif
[[ 1599. 2951. 7153. 13280. 18311.]
[ 8085. 51478. 13028. 40239. 30964.]
[ 18192. 32484. 23527. 36122. 8726.]]
[[ 1599. 2951. 7153. 13280. 18311.]
[ 8085. 51478. 13028. 40239. 30964.]
[ 18192. 32484. 23527. 36122. 8726.]]