I want to get the standard deviation for every nth number defined by number. So it takes the standard deviation of every 5th number in the list. So how would i be able to turn the function std
down at the code below to the numpy format of np.std
import numpy as np
number = 5
list_= np.array([457.334015,424.440002,394.795990,408.903992,398.821014,402.152008,435.790985,423.204987,411.574005,
for i in range(len(list_)-number):
y_mean = sum(list_[i:i+number])/number
#Standard Dev function = square root((first list value - y_mean)+(second list value - y_mean) + (third list value - y_mean)/n-1)
std = (sum([(k - y_mean)**2 for k in list_[i:i+number]])/(number-1))**0.5