I'm trying to parse the response object from an API call, but having some difficulty.
First, I parsed the returned JSON with following:
let responseObject = (try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data)) as? [String: Any]
if let result = responseObject["result"] {
Then, when I log the result, following is what I get:
"_links" = {
next = "/api/3/action/datastore_search?limit=50&id=22f223e7-73f7-4842-935c-80a0ba5c3e5b&offset=50";
start = "/api/3/action/datastore_search?limit=50&id=22f223e7-73f7-4842-935c-80a0ba5c3e5b";
fields = (
id = "_id";
type = int;
id = package;
info = {
label = "";
notes = "Unique, normalized, name of dataset.
"type_override" = "";
type = text;
I tried parsing it again:
let finalResult = (try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: result)) as? [String: Any]
But, I get the following error:
No exact matches in call to class method 'jsonObject'
if let result = responseObject["result"] as? [String: Any] {
if let finalResult = result["records"] {
When I log this, I get the following:
"_id" = 186;
accessibility = 1;
completeness = "0.6899999999999999";
freshness = "0.5";
grade = Silver;
"grade_norm" = Silver;
metadata = "0.84";
package = "air-conditioned-and-cool-spaces-heat-relief-network";
"recorded_at" = "2019-12-17T20:24:09";
score = "0.78";
"score_norm" = "0.76";
usability = "0.86";
version = "v0.1.0";
"_id" = 187;
accessibility = 1;
completeness = 1;
freshness = 0;
grade = Bronze;
"grade_norm" = Bronze;
metadata = "0.25";
package = "air-conditioned-public-places-cooling-centres";
"recorded_at" = "2019-12-17T20:24:09";
score = "0.54";
"score_norm" = "0.31";
usability = "0.85";
version = "v0.1.0";
When I tried to iterate this:
for (key, value) in finalResult {
print("key", key)
print("value", value)
I get the following error:
Tuple pattern cannot match values of none-tuple type