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Deta_Catalytic_DNA: Humanoid & catalytic DNA for AI ,这个项目免费赠送给所有 ...

原作者: [db:作者] 来自: 网络 收藏 邀请






<<100%(首创)个人著作权开源项目>>Deta_Catalytic_DNA 这个工程的主要目的是彻底颠覆现有的所有SDLC结构, 用一种类人软件生命替代 2019-04-18-2:02 China 8+.

This new project implements a humanoid life by using Deta DNA catalytic theory, Author will do every thing by using English. Not only for the coding humanoid life application where we name Tin God, Deta also will spend more time for making a fully proof that VPCS nero cell and PDN link mask is the best way of chromosome executions.

Useful Source Link:
Prepare for Demo Link:
http://tinos.qicp.vip/data.html (deta新词探索功能已经启动了该项目应用技术)
实例 working on:Prepare for AOPM Dimentions of the VPCS Humanoid initons(catalytic).
实例 working on:Prepare for PDN initons of the catalytic(DNA).
实例 working on:Prepare for Chromosome initons with DNA evolutions.
实例 working on:Prepare Attributes of DNA life's family, race, behavior, love, study, safe, work, creative and help. 2019-04-17
实例 working on:Prepare for AOPM Six Dimentions Creation for Humanoid initons. 2019-04-18
实例 working on:Prepare for DNA Life as a philosothon model where thinking for the AOPM Tissues. 2019-04-19
实例 working on:Prepare for philosothon model's VPCS initons 2019-04-20
实例 working on:Prepare for VPCS tissues with PDN mask initons 2019-04-20
实例 working on:Prepare for swapping PDN and Mask to DNA 2019-04-21
实例 working on:Prepare for Mr.Tin gets an information from the real world now!
实例 working on:Prepare for Mr.Tin's I/O read function by using queue method. 2019-04-26
实例 working on:Prepare for (study initons) first for get new corpus will do at this weekend 2019-04-27

OK let's begin! 2019-04-16

Author Yaoguang.Luo

AOPM-VECS-IDUQ Catalytic INITONS PDE LAW and Its Application

AOPM VECS IDUQ 肽展公式推导与元基编码进化计算以及它的应用发现

Yaoguang Luo

Liuyang DETA Software Development Limited Company



[email protected]

观点: 作为拥有研发背景的认知观点, 作者每次发现了一些理论和创造性思维, 便开始工程设计, 在真实的场景中应用, 进行论证, 确定它的社会价值: 改变生产力, 创造新的生产力, 优化和归纳生产资料, 最后适应生产环境并进行有效的从局部到整体的修复, 优化, 改善, 改变, 创造新的更好的环境的过程. 作者认为 一个命题论点必须经过严谨的推导论证, 确定它的真实性和有效性. 这篇著作于是形成了骨架.

OUTLOOK: Due to the cognitically researching background, the Author always prepare more and more real world software projects where supporting the proof in truly way: Emancipate the productive forces, Create new productivity, Optimize existing production tools to better adapt to the production environment and Better assists Human-oid in where understanding, adaptation and transformation of the environment, there for, thurs proofs and factors where could be garthered to the parts of backbone in catalytic computing of the humanoid DNA.

Keywords: Chromosome, PDC, PDW, TVM, PDE, PDE-Code, Eternal-tons, L-Pyrimidine, Discrete

关键词: 染色体, 生命词根库, 象契文字典, 肽虚拟机器, 磁基肽展公式, 非对称肽加密, 永生苷, 变嘧啶, 离散定律

前言: 自从罗瑶光先生发现了类人 DNA 与 神经元基于催化算子映射编码方式后, 于是开始进行多种具体工程应用论证实现, 这个过程一次又一次的改变作者的思维, 特别是生命染色体配对后聚合方式, 形成了具体的生命词根库, 然后组成象契文字典, 逐渐形成肽虚拟机模拟, 进而优化推导出肽展公式, 非对称肽加密, 永生苷, 变嘧啶 作为DNA离散定律的补充, 于是归纳成一个完整的系统思想, 正如这篇文章, 对于AOPM VECS IDUQ 肽元基编码计算与它的应用, 永生只是开始~

Since Mr.Yaoguang Luo AND Mr.Rongwu luo found out the 'The INITONS Catalytic Reflection Between Humanoid DNA and Nero Cell(DNA encoding 1.2.2)' see 1.2.2 Chinese full style: NCAC, CN2020Z11L0333706. English short style: EI ACM, A2050-ICITEE2020, then did alot of proofs in DETA web big data projects, such like (Deta OSS...). Always, Those proofs have been pushing Mr.Yaoguang who always jumping out the way of his mind for thinking in depthly.. for the instances PDC, PDW, TVM, PDE, PDE-Code, Eternal-tons and L-Pyrimidine, the Author will prepare more and more logic caculation proofs about implementing the 'AOPM-VECS-IDUQ Catalytic INITONS PDE LAW and Its Application' in sequency flowchat as below.

I DETA INITONS classify/ 德塔元基 分类

Figure 1 见文件地址: github https://github.com/yaoguangluo/Deta_Resource/blob/master/CN_DT_pdn_computing1_2_2.pdf

Figure 1 见文件地址: gitee https://gitee.com/DetaChina/collection-of-papers-by-deta/blob/master/CN_DT_pdn_computing1_2_2.pdf

选个切入点说起, 自从作者在上一篇著作DNA编码规范中发现了类DNA的编码元 AOPM VPCS IDUC 后进行了简单的去重生成 AOPM VECS IDUQ, 于是开始女娲计划设计如Figure 1, 现在按照主谓宾, 定状补的语法组成形式设计3元词根如: 单元基 AOPM VECS IDUQ. 双元基 AA.. AO.. AP.. AM .. OA..OO.. OP.. OM.. 三元基 AAA.. AAO.. AAP.. AAM.. 通过编码, 发现 仅仅1维词根便包含上千的逻辑含义, 如果2维词根如 ..AAA.AAO... 便瞬间膨胀到(1000+) * (1000+)= 100万+, 这个意识远远大于人类现在的最高学术水平, 于是惊叹, 如何合理的应用这种知识结构? 似乎有点远, 先从养疗经上做元initons分类实验. 如下FIGURE 1-1
Since the latest document paper "The INITONS Catalytic Reflection Between Humanoid DNA and Nero Cell" finished, the Author changes the name of AOPM-VPCS-IDUC initons into AOPM-VECS-IDUQ due to the duplication of the same chars P and C. then starts the NUWA plan, please see at Figure 1, similar with the Human's grammar, could format the initons as three types, one for Single-tons A, O, P, M, V, E, C, S, I, D, U, Q; two for Double-tons AA, AO, AP, AM, ... ...OA, OP, OM... AND Triper-tons AAA, AAO, AAP, AAM... Then we could find out more than 1800 Triper initons word's root. if it's root words appear in 2 dimension or more dimension root links... It could happen and detail out the conbination features of more than one millon real world verbal's, so let's talking about the 'YANGLIAOJING' software on a researching way as FIGURE 1-1.

Figure 1-1 见文件地址: github https://github.com/yaoguangluo/Deta_Resource/blob/master/CN_DT_pdn_computing1_2_2.pdf

Figure 1-1 见文件地址: gitee https://gitee.com/DetaChina/collection-of-papers-by-deta/blob/master/CN_DT_pdn_computing1_2_2.pdf

一开始养疗经的ETL 节点 通过插件的方式扩充, 作者想设计成肽化插件形式, 通过TVM 肽化虚拟机来添加jar包,这样 jar包也可以设计成肽文件编码. 既可以加密保存又可以作为肽节点拓展. 于是作者开始验证可行性, 先按简单的分类和聚类索引模式, 按 A, AO, AOP, 进行节点归类. 研究发现, 一个肽索引世界展现在眼前, 原来这种染色体化的结构数不尽, 于是开始按主谓宾的方式开始模拟明显特征规范的 3元染色体层, 结果发现也有24对, 如Figure 2
Base through the DETA Unicorn Nodes in ETL OSGI plug-in way, the Author try to code the ETL node files where transpoting into a PDN files by using DNA catalytic 1.2.2 INITONS encoding technonogy, At that time, Author thinks It could be used in Data encoding domain. Let's proving, for example the first, using classify method, define the A, AO, AOP.. did the PDN files name's statistic in an observer view upon the classify model. then get a true answear of the main features of triper-tons classify where similar with 24 basic types. as Figure 2 shows.

Figure 2 见文件地址: github https://github.com/yaoguangluo/Deta_Resource/blob/master/CN_DT_pdn_computing1_2_2.pdf

Figure 2 见文件地址: gitee https://gitee.com/DetaChina/collection-of-papers-by-deta/blob/master/CN_DT_pdn_computing1_2_2.pdf

如下文字. 如图先将12个元基initons AOPM VECS IDUQ进行root 根拓展, 发现生成 AOPM- VECS 和AOPM-IDUQ 显隐模式于是发现了 24 类组, 正如figure 2 这些类组一开始作者的思路是染色体索引, 后来思考 如果这种索引能进行功能化, 那么就是一个个函数的主要功能区, 于是按DNA 编码规范1.2.2开始定义词根, 发现了很多惊讶和有趣的研究结果如 Figure4 词根的发现.
let's proving that the root extension of the initons AOPM-VECS-IDUQ, we could see there have 2 types initon section-extensions per each same initon section. For example we can find AOPM has AOPM-VECS and AOPM-IDUQ, the author named dominant chromosome and recessive chromosome, after named, it proofs the software's function also could be extended to the PDN funtion Observer model. then following 'The INITONS Catalytic Reflection Between Humanoid DNA and Nero Cell 1.2.2' Author began to make a definition of the PDN's word (PDW) by using PDN root initon chars(PDC), and those PDCs where could build a extension linklist model in the PDN files (PDE). see Figure 4(PDC)

II I DETA INITONS PDN words root/ 德塔元基分类 词根

分类组成词根 代表 动词, 名词和形容词, 动词 IDUC-前缀根, 名词 VPCS-前缀根, 形容词 AOPM-前缀根, 形成DNA 语言的 有效元染色体, 如图4, 按照编码规范, 2元词根有明确逻辑价值的组合竟然也是24个组, 作者开始专注思考. 这24组的功能进行深入研究..
After the classification of the PDC and into the 4-pars-chromosome model, it proofs the IDUC-PDC root where similar with the humanoid Verb definition; the VPCS-PDC root similar with the humanoid Noun definition; and the AOPM-PDC root similar with the humanoid Adj definition. See the Figure 4, by following DNA encoding 1.2.2 researching, then got 24 types useful 4-pars-chromosome model, let's continuring proving as below..

Figure 4 见文件地址: github https://github.com/yaoguangluo/Deta_Resource/blob/master/CN_DT_pdn_computing1_2_2.pdf

Figure 4 见文件地址: gitee https://gitee.com/DetaChina/collection-of-papers-by-deta/blob/master/CN_DT_pdn_computing1_2_2.pdf

III DETA INITONS PDN words/ 德塔元基分类 词典

词根开始各种组合形成世界首个象契文字DNA语言, 按照罗瑶光先生的思维逻辑进行人类语言和象契语言转换 如 动词, 名词, 形容词... 于是我归纳了下 AOPM 体现了养疗经的智慧高级功能形态, VECS 体现了养疗经的多样化特征, IDUQ 体现了养疗经的生物应激活性, 这个归纳和总结, 用人类的认知的语义理解方式, 作者按照罗瑶光先生的思考方式进行词汇提炼, 确定了软件工程AOPM属于生命周期的系统分类,是一种高级形态, 具有可描述的智慧性, VPCS 因为涉及到控制执行, 插件扩展和静态属性, 作者认为是具有逻辑特征的多样性. 最后IDUQ因为涉及到增删改查, 都是运动方式, 作者定义为应激性表达. 于是再次归纳为Figure 5, 作者开始思考, dna的肽 竟然可以形成一篇具有阅读性的文章, 这篇文章竟然还有思维活性, 应激活性和智慧活性, 于是再次切入实际的论证 将java语言进行翻译成肽语言..
After researching, It proofs that DNA language is a hieroglyph-sphenogram word which has intently hieroglyph details and sphenogram formats. then next proof, the Author changes his thinking and mind reading ways into the hieroglyph-sphenogram word sentences, for example changes the human's verb, noun and adj into DNA PDC roots PDW linklist. then find out that AOPM-VECS INITONS, wisdom dominant chromosome pair determines the way of wisdom association; AOPM-IDUQ INITONS, wisdom recessive chromosome pair determines the way of wisdom expression; VECS-AOPM INITONS, diversity dominant chromosome pairs, determine the diversity of consciousness characteristic; VECS-IDUQ INITONS, diversified recessive chromosome pairs to determine diversified motion characteristics; IDUQ-AOPM INITONS, stress dominant chromosome pair to determine the functional aspects of stress; IDUQ-VECS INITONS, stress recessive chromosome pairs to determine the expression object of stress. please see Figure 5, it proofs that DNA PDW could be a artical paper, and this paper could become to a life. it reflections as three instances: AOPM the diversity of consciousness characteristic, VECS wisdom association and IDUQ diversified motion characteristics. let's proving in a real wold project 'YANGLIAOJING': Change the Java file into the PDE file.

Figure 5 见文件地址: github https://github.com/yaoguangluo/Deta_Resource/blob/master/CN_DT_pdn_computing1_2_2.pdf

Figure 5 见文件地址: gitee https://gitee.com/DetaChina/collection-of-papers-by-deta/blob/master/CN_DT_pdn_computing1_2_2.pdf

IV DETA TVM/ 德塔词典肽翻译虚拟机

于是开始将一个养疗经java文件翻译成肽文, 这个过程可以细分为几个细节, 如 Figure6, 先简单转成java行格式 肽文有利于区分. 有理观测. 然后再进行肽链化, 这时候作者发现了一些细节问题, 其中最主要的问题是怎么将AOPM 和 VECS向 IDUQ 层展开. 于是开始设计肽展函数. 我一直在思考一种可行的虚拟机形式, 如果我不设计而是依赖一种编程语言, 会出现平台移植困难, 于是先从肽翻译机开始.
After beginning of the PDE translation, the duration of operations could be parsed in a small details as Figure 6, first into TVM file, then into TVM-PDN list file. finally into a TVM-PDN-PDE IDUQ list file. This real operation needs a logic extension formular collection of PDE AOPM <-SWAP-> VECS <-SWAP->IDUQ ASAP. the Author thought JVM could embedded into other OS platform, TVM PDW needs inherit JVM this fomation: TVM could embedded into other programming languages environment(c/c++, QT, RUBY, C# .ETC..). let's continuring proving TVM's application.

Figure 6 见文件地址: github https://github.com/yaoguangluo/Deta_Resource/blob/master/CN_DT_pdn_computing1_2_2.pdf

Figure 6 见文件地址: gitee https://gitee.com/DetaChina/collection-of-papers-by-deta/blob/master/CN_DT_pdn_computing1_2_2.pdf

V DETA TVM applications/ 德塔 肽翻译虚拟机应用技术

首先想到的是加密应用, 比如我最近10年常用MD5加密, 筛子加密, 单握手非对称加密, DNA加密的效果因为有规则词库和规则概率钥匙, 然后丝化不饱和肽展失真, 所以加密无规律可循, 甚至越解越乱. 是很好的非对称加密方式.
The first real world imagination of application is Asymmetrically Communications Encryption, Such likes MD5 and Dice communication, DNA Encryption Includes the probabily extension and statistic method, lets the probabily extension build a key, and statistic method for indexing, its very hard to rollback without personal PDE laws, therefore, the level of the safe is pending highly. let's proving.

Figure 7 见文件地址: github https://github.com/yaoguangluo/Deta_Resource/blob/master/CN_DT_pdn_computing1_2_2.pdf

Figure 7 见文件地址: gitee https://gitee.com/DetaChina/collection-of-papers-by-deta/blob/master/CN_DT_pdn_computing1_2_2.pdf 

Figure 8 见文件地址: github https://github.com/yaoguangluo/Deta_Resource/blob/master/CN_DT_pdn_computing1_2_2.pdf

Figure 8 见文件地址: gitee https://gitee.com/DetaChina/collection-of-papers-by-deta/blob/master/CN_DT_pdn_computing1_2_2.pdf

我选了一个比较简洁的插件源码进行肽化, 这个源码首先短小, 词汇量少, 所以肽化的过程实现快, 比较好观测中间过程, 拓展我的研发思维. 通过intions词根进行语义编码后, 如Figure8, 因为空格和回车等符号没有intion词根转码, 保留了一些程序的特征. 这种文可以作为虚拟机文, 方便以后词库优化.













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