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Automagica: Automagica 是一个开源智能机器人流程自动化(SRPA,Smart Robotic Proce ...

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The Automagica project began in 2018 with a focus on creating open source software to ensure that Robotic Process Automation technologies were accessible to all.

With subsequent releases of Automagica, more advanced features such as Wand and the Portal required a service infrastructure to deliver more resilient robots, advanced services, and management and control.

As use of these services has increased, the costs for hosting and maintaining the service layer have correspondingly increased.

In order to drive the next phase of development for these important services, today, 13th October 2020, we are pleased to announce that Netcall plc, a leading provider of low-code, customer engagement, and contact centre software, has acquired Oakwood Technologies BV (trading as ‘Automagica’).

Netcall will integrate Automagica’s RPA into its Liberty platform, providing a powerful combination of RPA, Low-code, and Customer Engagement solutions.

The Automagica Robot is no longer be available under the terms of the AGPL3 licence.

We’re not stopping the use of the services for robots already deployed. These will continue to operate with Wand and OCR, free of charge, for three months from today (13 Oct 20).

Existing users of the Automagica Portal will also be able to access, free of charge, for three months, during which time users will be offered options to migrate to a commercial service.

We wish to thank all contributors to the project.

Love Automagica Example


The Automagica suite consists of the following components:

  • Automagica Bot: runtime/agent responsible for performing the automated tasks.
  • Automagica Flow: a visual flow designer to build automations quickly with full support for Python code.
  • Automagica Wand: UI element picker powered by AI.
  • Automagica Lab: Notebook-style automation development environment based on Jupyter Notebooks (requires Jupyter to be installed).
  • Automagica Portal: management of bots, credentials, automations, logs, ...

Portal and Flow


Browser working with Excel:

Excel Example Automagica


An overview of all official Automagica activities:

Random keyGenerate random Fernet key.
Encrypt textEncrypt text with (Fernet) key,
Decrypt textDexrypt bytes-like object to string with (Fernet) key
Encrypt fileEncrypt file with (Fernet) key. Note that file will be unusable unless unlocked with the same key.
Decrypt fileDecrypts file with (Fernet) key
Key from passwordGenerate key based on password and salt. If both password and salt are known the key can be regenerated.
Hash from fileGenerate hash from file
Hash from textGenerate hash from text. Keep in mind that MD5 is not cryptographically secure.
Random numberRandom numbers can be integers (not a fractional number) or a float (fractional number).
Random dataGenerates all kinds of random data. Specifying locale changes format for some options
Random booleanGenerates a random boolean (True or False)
Random nameGenerates a random name. Adding a locale adds a more common name in the specified locale. Provides first name and last name.
Random wordsGenerates a random sentence. Specifying locale changes language and content based on locale.
Random addressGenerates a random address. Specifying locale changes random locations and streetnames based on locale.
Random beepGenerates a random beep, only works on Windows
Random dateGenerates a random date.
Today's dateGenerates today's date.
Generate unique identifierGenerates a random UUID4 (universally unique identifier).
Display overlay messageDisplay custom OSD (on-screen display) message. Can be used to display a message for a limited amount of time. Can be used for illustration, debugging or as OSD.
Print message in consolePrint message in console. Can be used to display data in the Automagica Flow console
ChromeOpen Chrome Browser
Save all imagesSave all images on current page in the Browser
Browse to URLBrowse to URL.
Find elements by textFind all elements by their text. Text does not need to match exactly, part of text is enough.
Find all linksFind all links on a webpage in the browser
Find first link on a webpageFind first link on a webpage
Get all text on webpageGet all the raw body text from current webpage
Highlight elementHighlight elements in yellow in the browser
Exit the browserQuit the browser by exiting gracefully. One can also use the native 'quit' function
Find all XPathsFind all elements with specified xpath on a webpage in the the browser. Can also use native 'find_elements_by_xpath'
Find XPath in browserFind all element with specified xpath on a webpage in the the browser. Can also use native 'find_elements_by_xpath'
Find class in browserFind element with specified class on a webpage in the the browser. Can also use native 'find_element_by_class_name'
Find class in browserFind all elements with specified class on a webpage in the the browser. Can also use native 'find_elements_by_class_name' function
Find element in browser based on class and textFind all elements with specified class and text on a webpage in the the browser.
Find id in browserFind element with specified id on a webpage in the the browser. Can also use native 'find_element_by_id' function
Switch to iframe in browserSwitch to an iframe in the browser
Credential Management‌‌
Set credentialAdd a credential which stores credentials locally and securely. All parameters should be Unicode text.
Delete credentialDelete a locally stored credential. All parameters should be Unicode text.
Get credentialGet a locally stored redential. All parameters should be Unicode text.
Create FTP connection (insecure)Can be used to automate activites for FTP
Download fileDownloads a file from FTP server. Connection needs to be established first.
Upload fileUpload file to FTP server
List FTP filesGenerate a list of all the files in the FTP directory
Check FTP directoryCheck if FTP directory exists
Create FTP directoryCreate a FTP directory. Note that sufficient permissions are present
Press keyPress and release an entered key. Make sure your keyboard is on US layout (standard QWERTY).If you are using this on Mac Os you might need to grant access to your terminal application.
Press key combinationPress a combination of two or three keys simultaneously. Make sure your keyboard is on US layout (standard QWERTY).
Type textSimulate keystrokes. If an element ID is specified, text will be typed in a specific field or element based on the element ID (vision) by the recorder.
Get mouse coordinatesGet the x and y pixel coordinates of current mouse position.
Display mouse positionDisplays mouse position in an overlay.
Mouse clickClicks on an element based on the element ID (vision)
Mouse click coordinatesClicks on an element based on pixel position determined by x and y coordinates. To find coordinates one could use display_mouse_position().
Double mouse click coordinatesDouble clicks on a pixel position determined by x and y coordinates.
Double mouse clickDouble clicks on an element based on the element ID (vision)
Right clickRight clicks on an element based on the element ID (vision)
Right click coordinatesRight clicks on an element based pixel position determined by x and y coordinates.
Move mouseMoves te pointer to an element based on the element ID (vision)
Move mouse coordinatesMoves te pointer to an element based on the pixel position determined by x and y coordinates
Move mouse relativeMoves the mouse an x- and y- distance relative to its current pixel position.
Drag mouseDrags mouse to an element based on pixel position determined by x and y coordinates
Drag mouseDrags mouse to an element based on the element ID (vision)
Random screen snippetTake a random square snippet from the current screen. Mainly for testing and/or development purposes.
ScreenshotTake a screenshot of current screen.
Folder Operations‌‌
List files in folderList all files in a folder (and subfolders)
Create folderCreates new folder at the given path.
Rename folderRename a folder
Open a folderOpen a folder with the default explorer.
Move a folderMoves a folder from one place to another.
Remove folderRemove a folder including all subfolders and files. For the function to work optimal, all files and subfolders in the main targetfolder should be closed.
Empty folderRemove all contents from a folderFor the function to work optimal, all files and subfolders in the main targetfolder should be closed.
Checks if folder existsCheck whether folder exists or not, regardless if folder is empty or not.
Copy a folderCopies a folder from one place to another.
ZipZip folder and its contents. Creates a .zip file.
UnzipUnzips a file or folder from a .zip file.
Return most recent file in directoryReturn most recent file in directory
WaitMake the robot wait for a specified number of seconds. Note that this activity is blocking. This means that subsequent activities will not occur until the the specified waiting time has expired.
Wait for folderWaits until a folder exists.Note that this activity is blocking and will keep the system waiting.
Word Application‌‌
Start Word ApplicationFor this activity to work, Microsoft Office Word needs to be installed on the system.
SaveSave active Word document
Save AsSave active Word document to a specific location
Append textAppend text at end of Word document.
Replace textCan be used for example to replace arbitrary placeholder value. For example whenusing template document, using 'XXXX' as a placeholder. Take note that all strings are case sensitive.
Read all textRead all the text from a document
Export to PDFExport the document to PDF
Export to HTMLExport to HTML
Set footersSet the footers of the document
Set headersSet the headers of the document
Quit WordThis closes Word, make sure to use 'save' or 'save_as' if you would like to save before quitting.
Word File‌‌
Read and Write Word filesThese activities can read, write and edit Word (docx) files without the need of having Word installed.
Read all textRead all the text from the document
Append textAppend text at the end of the document
SaveSave document
Save asSave file on specified path
Set headersSet headers of Word document
Replace allReplaces all occurences of a placeholder text in the document with a replacement text.
Outlook Application‌‌
Start Outlook ApplicationFor this activity to work, Outlook needs to be installed on the system.
Send e-mailSend an e-mail using Outlook
Retrieve foldersRetrieve list of folders from Outlook
Retrieve e-mailsRetrieve list of messages from Outlook
Delete e-mailsDeletes e-mail messages in a certain folder. Can be specified by searching on subject, body or sender e-mail.
Move e-mailsMove e-mail messages in a certain folder. Can be specified by searching on subject, body or sender e-mail.
Save attachmentsSave all attachments from certain folder
Retrieve contactsRetrieve all contacts
Add a contactAdd a contact to Outlook contacts
QuitClose the Outlook application
Excel Application‌‌
Start Excel ApplicationFor this activity to work, Microsoft Office Excel needs to be installed on the system.
Add worksheetAdds a worksheet to the current workbook
Activate worksheetActivate a worksheet in the current Excel document by name
SaveSave the current workbook. Defaults to homedir
Save asSave the current workbook to a specific path
Write cellWrite to a specific cell in the currently active workbook and active worksheet
Read cellRead a cell from the currently active workbook and active worksheet
Write rangeWrite to a specific range in the currently active worksheet in the active workbook
Read rangeRead a range of cells from the currently active worksheet in the active workbook
Run macroRun a macro by name from the currently active workbook
Get worksheet namesGet names of all the worksheets in the currently active workbook
Get tableGet table data from the currently active worksheet by name of the table
Activate rangeActivate a particular range in the currently active workbook
Activate first empty cell downActivates the first empty cell going down
Activate first empty cell rightActivates the first empty cell going right
Activate first empty cell leftActivates the first empty cell going left
Activate first empty cell upActivates the first empty cell going up
Write cell formulaWrite a formula to a particular cell
Read cell formulaRead the formula from a particular cell
Insert empty rowInserts an empty row to the currently active worksheet
Insert empty columnInserts an empty column in the currently active worksheet. Existing columns will shift to the right.
Delete row in ExcelDeletes a row from the currently active worksheet. Existing data will shift up.
Delete columnDelete a column from the currently active worksheet. Existing columns will shift to the left.
Export to PDFExport to PDF
Insert data as tableInsert list of dictionaries as a table in Excel
Read worksheetRead data from a worksheet as a list of lists
Quit ExcelThis closes Excel, make sure to use 'save' or 'save_as' if you would like to save before quitting.
Excel File‌‌
Read and Write xlsx files.This activity can read, write and edit Excel (xlsx) files without the need of having Excel installed.
Export file to dataframeExport to pandas dataframe
Activate worksheetActivate a worksheet. By default the first worksheet is activated.
Save asSave file as
Save asSave file
Write cellWrite a cell based on column and row
Read cellRead a cell based on column and row
Add worksheetAdd a worksheet
Get worksheet namesGet worksheet names
PowerPoint Application‌‌
Start PowerPoint ApplicationFor this activity to work, PowerPoint needs to be installed on the system.
Save PowerPointSave PowerPoint Slidedeck
Save PowerPointSave PowerPoint Slidedeck
Close PowerPoint ApplicationClose PowerPoint
Add PowerPoint SlidesAdds slides to a presentation
Slide countReturns the number of slides
Text to slideAdd text to a slide
Delete slideDelete a slide
Replace all occurences of text in PowerPoint slidesCan be used for example to replace arbitrary placeholder value in a PowerPoint.
PowerPoint to PDFExport PowerPoint presentation to PDF file
Slides to imagesExport PowerPoint slides to seperate image files
Office 365‌‌
Send email Office Outlook 365Send email Office Outlook 365
Salesforce APIActivity to make calls to Salesforce REST API.
E-mail (SMTP)‌‌
Mail with SMTPThis function lets you send emails with an e-mail address.
Windows OS‌‌
Find window with specific titleFind a specific window based on the name, either a perfect match or a partial match.
Login to Windows Remote DesktopCreate a RDP and login to Windows Remote Desktop
Stop Windows Remote DesktopStop Windows Remote Desktop
Set Windows passwordSets the password for a Windows user.
Check Windows passwordValidates a Windows user password if it is correct
Lock WindowsLocks Windows requiring login to continue.
Check if Windows logged inChecks if the current user is logged in and not on the lockscreen. Most automations do not work properly when the desktop is locked.
Check if Windows is lockedChecks if the current user is locked out and on the lockscreen. Most automations do not work properly when the desktop is locked.
Get Windows usernameGet current logged in user's username
Set clipboardSet any text to the Windows clipboard.
Get clipboardGet the text currently in the Windows clipboard
Empty clipboardEmpty text from clipboard. Getting clipboard data after this should return in None
Run VBSscriptRun a VBScript file
BeepMake a beeping sound. Make sure your volume is up and you have hardware connected.
Get all network interface namesReturns a list of all network interfaces of the current machine
Enable network interfaceEnables a network interface by its name.
Disable network interfaceDisables a network interface by its name.
Get default printerReturns the name of the printer selected as default
Set default printerSet the default printer.
Remove printerRemoves a printer by its name
Get service statusReturns the status of a service on the machine
Start a serviceStarts a Windows service
Stop a serviceStops a Windows service
Set window to foregroundSets a window to foreground by its title.
Get foreground window titleRetrieve the title of the current foreground window
Close windowCloses a window by its title
Maximize windowMaximizes a window by its title
Restore windowRestore a window by its title
Minimize windowMinimizes a window by its title
Resize windowResize a window by its title
Hide windowHides a window from the user desktop by using it's title
Run SSH commandRuns a command over SSH (Secure Shell)
SNMP GetRetrieves data from an SNMP agent using SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
Active Directory‌‌
AD interfaceInterface to Windows Active Directory through ADSI. Connects to the AD domain to which the machine is joined by default.
Get AD object by nameInterface to Windows Active Directory through ADSI
Get user home pathReturns the current user's home path
Get desktop pathReturns the current user's desktop path
Get downloads pathReturns the current user's default download path
Open fileOpens file with default programs
Set wallpaperSet Windows desktop wallpaper with the the specified image
Download file from a URLDownload file from a URL
Rename a fileThis activity will rename a file. If the the desired name already exists in the folder file will not be renamed. Make sure to add the exstention to specify filetype.
Move a fileIf the new location already contains a file with the same name.
Remove a fileRemove a file
Check if file existsThis function checks whether the file with the given path exists.
Wait until a file exists.Note that this activity is blocking and will keep the system waiting.
List to .txtWrites a list to a text (.txt) file.Every element of the entered list is written on a new line of the text file.
Read list from .txt fileThis activity reads the content of a .txt file to a list and returns that list.Every new line from the .txt file becomes a new element of the list. The activity willnot work if the entered path is no













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