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PHP em_options_select函数代码示例

原作者: [db:作者] 来自: [db:来源] 收藏 邀请

本文整理汇总了PHP中em_options_select函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:PHP em_options_select函数的具体用法?PHP em_options_select怎么用?PHP em_options_select使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: __

	<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
__('Click to toggle', 'events-manager');
"><br /></div><h3><span><?php 
_e('RSS', 'events-manager');
	<div class="inside">
    	<table class="form-table">
em_options_input_text(__('RSS main title', 'events-manager'), 'dbem_rss_main_title', __('The main title of your RSS events feed.', 'events-manager') . $events_placeholder_tip);
em_options_input_text(__('RSS main description', 'events-manager'), 'dbem_rss_main_description', __('The main description of your RSS events feed.', 'events-manager'));
em_options_input_text(__('RSS title format', 'events-manager'), 'dbem_rss_title_format', __('The format of the title of each item in the events RSS feed.', 'events-manager') . $events_placeholder_tip);
em_options_input_text(__('RSS description format', 'events-manager'), 'dbem_rss_description_format', __('The format of the description of each item in the events RSS feed.', 'events-manager') . $events_placeholder_tip);
em_options_input_text(__('RSS limit', 'events-manager'), 'dbem_rss_limit', __('Limits the number of future events shown (0 = unlimited).', 'events-manager'));
em_options_select(__('RSS Scope', 'events-manager'), 'dbem_rss_scope', em_get_scopes(), __('Choose to show events within a specific time range.', 'events-manager'));
			<tr valign="top" id='dbem_rss_orderby_row'>
		   		<th scope="row"><?php 
_e('Default event list ordering', 'events-manager');
					<select name="dbem_rss_orderby" >
$orderby_options = apply_filters('em_settings_events_default_orderby_ddm', array('event_start_date,event_start_time,event_name' => __('Order by start date, start time, then event name', 'events-manager'), 'event_name,event_start_date,event_start_time' => __('Order by name, start date, then start time', 'events-manager'), 'event_name,event_end_date,event_end_time' => __('Order by name, end date, then end time', 'events-manager'), 'event_end_date,event_end_time,event_name' => __('Order by end date, end time, then event name', 'events-manager')));
foreach ($orderby_options as $key => $value) {

示例2: em_admin_option_box_email

 * Meta options box for email settings. Shared in both MS and Normal options page, hence it's own function 
function em_admin_option_box_email()
    global $save_button;
	<div  class="postbox " >
	<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
    __('Click to toggle', 'dbem');
"><br /></div><h3><span><?php 
    _e('Email Settings', 'dbem');
	<div class="inside em-email-form">
		<p class="em-email-settings-check">
    _e('Before you save your changes, you can quickly send yourself a test email by clicking this button.');
			<input type="button" id="em-admin-check-email" class="secondary-button" value="<?php 
    _e('Test Email Settings', 'dbem');
" />
			<input type="hidden" name="_check_email_nonce" value="<?php 
    echo wp_create_nonce('check_email');
" />
			<span id="em-email-settings-check-status"></span>
		<table class="form-table">
    em_options_input_text(__('Notification sender name', 'dbem'), 'dbem_mail_sender_name', __("Insert the display name of the notification sender.", 'dbem'));
    em_options_input_text(__('Notification sender address', 'dbem'), 'dbem_mail_sender_address', __("Insert the address of the notification sender.", 'dbem'));
    em_options_select(__('Mail sending method', 'dbem'), 'dbem_rsvp_mail_send_method', array('smtp' => 'SMTP', 'mail' => __('PHP mail function', 'dbem'), 'sendmail' => 'Sendmail', 'qmail' => 'Qmail', 'wp_mail' => 'WP Mail'), __('Select the method to send email notification.', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Send HTML Emails?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_smtp_html', __('If set to yes, your emails will be sent in HTML format, otherwise plaintext.', 'dbem') . ' ' . __('Depending on server settings, some sending methods may ignore this settings.', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Add br tags to HTML emails?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_smtp_html_br', __('If HTML emails are enabled, br tags will automatically be added for new lines.', 'dbem'));
			<tbody class="em-email-settings-smtp">
    em_options_input_text('Mail sending port', 'dbem_rsvp_mail_port', __("The port through which you e-mail notifications will be sent. Make sure the firewall doesn't block this port", 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Use SMTP authentication?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_rsvp_mail_SMTPAuth', __('SMTP authentication is often needed. If you use GMail, make sure to set this parameter to Yes', 'dbem'));
    em_options_input_text('SMTP host', 'dbem_smtp_host', __("The SMTP host. Usually it corresponds to 'localhost'. If you use GMail, set this value to 'ssl://smtp.gmail.com:465'.", 'dbem'));
    em_options_input_text(__('SMTP username', 'dbem'), 'dbem_smtp_username', __("Insert the username to be used to access your SMTP server.", 'dbem'));
    em_options_input_password(__('SMTP password', 'dbem'), "dbem_smtp_password", __("Insert the password to be used to access your SMTP server", 'dbem'));
    echo $save_button;
		<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
				$('#dbem_rsvp_mail_send_method_row select').change(function(){
					el = $(this);
					if( el.find(':selected').val() == 'smtp' ){
					var email_data = $('.em-email-form input').serialize();
						url: EM.ajaxurl,
						dataType: 'json',
						data: email_data+"&action=em_admin_test_email",
						success: function(data){
							if(data.result && data.message){
								var msg = (data.message) ? data.message:'Email not sent';
						error: function(){ $('#em-email-settings-check-status').css({'color':'red','display':'block'}).html('Server Error'); },
						beforeSend: function(){ $('input#em-admin-check-email').val('<?php 
    _e('Checking...', 'dbem');
'); },
						complete: function(){ $('input#em-admin-check-email').val('<?php 
    _e('Test Email Settings', 'dbem');
');  }
	</div> <!-- . inside -->
	</div> <!-- .postbox --> 

示例3: __

if (get_option('dbem_locations_enabled')) {

		<div  class="postbox " id="em-opt-location-pages" >
		<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
    __('Click to toggle', 'dbem');
"><br /></div><h3><span><?php 
    echo sprintf(__('%s Pages', 'dbem'), __('Location', 'dbem'));
		<div class="inside">
        	<table class="form-table">
    //em_options_radio_binary ( sprintf(__( 'Display %s as', 'dbem' ),__('locations','dbem')), 'dbem_cp_locations_template_page', sprintf($template_page_tip, EM_POST_TYPE_LOCATION), array(__('Posts'),__('Pages')) );
    em_options_select(sprintf(__('Display %s as', 'dbem'), __('locations', 'dbem')), 'dbem_cp_locations_template', $page_templates, sprintf($template_page_tip, __('locations', 'dbem'), EM_POST_TYPE_LOCATION));
    em_options_input_text(__('Body Classes', 'dbem'), 'dbem_cp_locations_body_class', sprintf($body_class_tip, __('location', 'dbem')));
    em_options_input_text(__('Post Classes', 'dbem'), 'dbem_cp_locations_post_class', $post_class_tip);
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Override with Formats?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_cp_locations_formats', sprintf($format_override_tip, __('locations', 'dbem')));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Enable Comments?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_cp_locations_comments', sprintf(__('If you would like to disable comments entirely, disable this, otherwise you can disable comments on each single %s. Note that %s with comments enabled will still be until you resave them.', 'dbem'), __('location', 'dbem'), __('locations', 'dbem')));
    em_options_input_text(__('Event List Limits', 'dbem'), 'dbem_location_event_list_limit', sprintf(__("Controls how many events being held at a location are shown per page when using placeholders such as %s. Leave blank for no limit.", 'dbem'), '<code>#_LOCATIONNEXTEVENTS</code>'));
    echo $save_button;

		</div> <!-- . inside --> 
		</div> <!-- .postbox -->	
		<div  class="postbox " id="em-opt-location-archives" >
		<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
    __('Click to toggle', 'dbem');

示例4: em_admin_options_page

function em_admin_options_page()
    //TODO place all options into an array
    $events_placeholders = '<a href="admin.php?page=events-manager-help#event-placeholders">' . __('Event Related Placeholders', 'dbem') . '</a>';
    $locations_placeholders = '<a href="admin.php?page=events-manager-help#location-placeholders">' . __('Location Related Placeholders', 'dbem') . '</a>';
    $bookings_placeholders = '<a href="admin.php?page=events-manager-help#booking-placeholders">' . __('Booking Related Placeholders', 'dbem') . '</a>';
    $events_placeholder_tip = " " . sprintf(__('This accepts %s and %s placeholders.', 'dbem'), $events_placeholders, $locations_placeholders);
    $locations_placeholder_tip = " " . sprintf(__('This accepts %s placeholders.', 'dbem'), $locations_placeholders);
    $bookings_placeholder_tip = " " . sprintf(__('This accepts %s, %s and %s placeholders.', 'dbem'), $bookings_placeholders, $events_placeholders, $locations_placeholders);
    $save_button = '<tr><th>&nbsp;</th><td><p class="submit" style="margin:0px; padding:0px; text-align:right;"><input type="submit" id="dbem_options_submit" name="Submit" value="' . __('Save Changes') . ' (' . __('All', 'dbem') . ')" /></p></ts></td></tr>';
	<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
			var close_text = '<?php 
    _e('Collapse All', 'dbem');
			var open_text = '<?php 
    _e('Expand All', 'dbem');
			var open_close = $('<a href="#" style="display:block; float:right; clear:right; margin:10px;">'+close_text+'</a>');
			open_close.click( function(e){
				if($(this).text() == close_text){
			//For rewrite titles
				checked_check = $('input:radio[name=dbem_disable_title_rewrites]:checked');
				if( checked_check.val() == 1 ){
	<div class="wrap">
		<div id='icon-options-general' class='icon32'><br />
    _e('Event Manager Options', 'dbem');
		<form id="dbem_options_form" method="post" action="">          

			<div class="metabox-holder">         
			<!-- // TODO Move style in css -->
			<div class='postbox-container' style='width: 99.5%'>
			<div id="" class="meta-box-sortables" >
			<div  class="postbox " >
			<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
    __('Click to toggle');
"><br /></div><h3 class='hndle'><span><?php 
    _e('General options', 'dbem');
			<div class="inside">
	            <table class="form-table">
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Use dropdown for locations?'), 'dbem_use_select_for_locations', __('Select yes to select location from a drow-down menu; location selection will be faster, but you will lose the ability to insert locations with events', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Use recurrence?'), 'dbem_recurrence_enabled', __('Select yes to enable the recurrence features feature', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Use RSVP?'), 'dbem_rsvp_enabled', __('Select yes to enable the RSVP feature', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Use categories?'), 'dbem_categories_enabled', __('Select yes to enable the category features', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Use attributes?'), 'dbem_attributes_enabled', __('Select yes to enable the attributes feature', 'dbem'));
    /*default category*/
    $category_options = array();
    $category_options[0] = __('no default category', 'dbem');
    $EM_Categories = EM_Categories::get();
    foreach ($EM_Categories as $EM_Category) {
        $category_options[$EM_Category->id] = $EM_Category->name;
    em_options_select(__('Default Category'), 'dbem_default_category', $category_options, __('This option allows you to select the default category when adding an event.', 'dbem') . " " . __('(not applicable with event ownership on presently, coming soon!)', 'dbem'));
    /*default location*/
    $location_options = array();
    $location_options[0] = __('no default location', 'dbem');
    $EM_Locations = EM_Locations::get();
    foreach ($EM_Locations as $EM_Location) {
        $location_options[$EM_Location->id] = $EM_Location->name;
    em_options_select(__('Default Location'), 'dbem_default_location', $location_options, __('This option allows you to select the default location when adding an event.', 'dbem') . " " . __('(not applicable with event ownership on presently, coming soon!)', 'dbem'));
    em_options_textarea(__('Custom Placeholders', 'dbem'), 'dbem_placeholders_custom', sprintf(__("You can add custom placeholders here, one per line in this format <code>#_ATT{key}</code>. They will not appear on event pages unless you insert them into another template below, but you may want to store extra information about an event for other uses. <a href='%s'>More information on placeholders.</a>", 'dbem'), 'wp-events-plugin.com/documentation/the-em-templates-syntax/'));
    echo $save_button;
			</div> <!-- . inside --> 

示例5: em_options_textarea

em_options_textarea(__('Success Message', 'dbem'), 'dbem_events_form_result_success', __('Customize the message your user sees when they submitted their event.', 'dbem') . $events_placeholder_tip);
em_options_textarea(__('Successfully Updated Message', 'dbem'), 'dbem_events_form_result_success_updated', __('Customize the message your user sees when they resubmit/update their event.', 'dbem') . $events_placeholder_tip);

            <tr class="em-header"><td colspan="2">
echo sprintf(__('Anonymous event submissions', 'dbem'), '<code>[event_form]</code>');
em_options_radio_binary(__('Allow anonymous event submissions?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_events_anonymous_submissions', __('Would you like to allow users to submit bookings anonymously? If so, you can use the new [event_form] shortcode or <code>em_event_form()</code> template tag with this enabled.', 'dbem'));
    em_options_input_text(__('Guest Default User', 'dbem'), 'dbem_events_anonymous_user', __('Please add a User ID.', 'dbem') . ' ' . __('Events require a user to own them. In order to allow events to be submitted anonymously you need to assign that event a specific user. We recommend you create a "Anonymous" subscriber with a very good password and use that. Guests will have the same event permissions as this user when submitting.', 'dbem'));
} else {
    em_options_select(__('Guest Default User', 'dbem'), 'dbem_events_anonymous_user', em_get_wp_users(), __('Events require a user to own them. In order to allow events to be submitted anonymously you need to assign that event a specific user. We recommend you create a "Anonymous" subscriber with a very good password and use that. Guests will have the same event permissions as this user when submitting.', 'dbem'));
em_options_textarea(__('Success Message', 'dbem'), 'dbem_events_anonymous_result_success', __('Anonymous submitters cannot see or modify their event once submitted. You can customize the success message they see here.', 'dbem') . $events_placeholder_tip);

echo $save_button;

	</div> <!-- . inside --> 
	</div> <!-- .postbox --> 


示例6: em_admin_options_page

        echo $save_button;
				</div> <!-- . inside --> 
			</div> <!-- .postbox --> 
			<div  class="postbox " >
			<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
    __('Click to toggle');
"><br /></div><h3 class='hndle'><span><?php 
    _e('General options', 'dbem');
			<div class="inside">
	            <table class="form-table">
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Use dropdown for locations?'), 'dbem_use_select_for_locations', __('Select yes to select location from a drow-down menu; location selection will be faster, but you will lose the ability to insert locations with events', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Use recurrence?'), 'dbem_recurrence_enabled', __('Select yes to enable the recurrence features feature', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Enable bookings?'), 'dbem_rsvp_enabled', __('Select yes to allow bookings and tickets for events.', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Use categories?'), 'dbem_categories_enabled', __('Select yes to enable the category features', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Use event attributes?'), 'dbem_attributes_enabled', __('Select yes to enable the attributes feature', 'dbem'));
    /*default category*/
    $category_options = array();
    $category_options[0] = __('no default category', 'dbem');
    $EM_Categories = EM_Categories::get();
    foreach ($EM_Categories as $EM_Category) {
        $category_options[$EM_Category->id] = $EM_Category->name;
    em_options_select(__('Default Category'), 'dbem_default_category', $category_options, __('This option allows you to select the default category when adding an event.', 'dbem') . " " . __('(not applicable with event ownership on presently, coming soon!)', 'dbem'));
    /*default location*/
    $location_options = array();
    $location_options[0] = __('no default location', 'dbem');
    $EM_Locations = EM_Locations::get();
    foreach ($EM_Locations as $EM_Location) {
        $location_options[$EM_Location->id] = $EM_Location->name;
    em_options_select(__('Default Location'), 'dbem_default_location', $location_options, __('This option allows you to select the default location when adding an event.', 'dbem') . " " . __('(not applicable with event ownership on presently, coming soon!)', 'dbem'));
    /*default location country*/
    em_options_select(__('Default Location Country'), 'dbem_location_default_country', em_get_countries(__('no default country', 'dbem')), __('If you select a default country, that will be pre-selected when creating a new location.', 'dbem'));
    em_options_textarea(__('Event Attributes', 'dbem'), 'dbem_placeholders_custom', sprintf(__("You can also add event attributes here, one per line in this format <code>#_ATT{key}</code>. They will not appear on event pages unless you insert them into another template below, but you may want to store extra information about an event for other uses. <a href='%s'>More information on placeholders.</a>", 'dbem'), 'wp-events-plugin.com/documentation/event-attributes/'));
    echo $save_button;
			</div> <!-- . inside --> 
			</div> <!-- .postbox --> 
			<div  class="postbox " >
			<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
    __('Click to toggle');
"><br /></div><h3 class='hndle'><span><?php 
    _e('Events page', 'dbem');
			<div class="inside">
                 <table class="form-table">         
    //Wordpress Pages
    global $em_disable_filter;
    //Using a flag here instead

示例7: _e

_e('<strong>Warning : </strong> Various features afforded to users with an account will not be available, e.g. viewing bookings. Once you enable this and select a user, modifying these values will prevent older non-user bookings from displaying the correct information.', 'dbem');
em_options_radio_binary(__('Enable No-User Booking Mode?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_bookings_registration_disable', __('This disables user registrations for bookings.', 'dbem'));
em_options_radio_binary(__('Allow bookings with registered emails?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_bookings_registration_disable_user_emails', __('By default, if a guest tries to book an event using the email of a user account on your site they will be asked to log in, selecting yes will bypass this security measure.', 'dbem') . '<br />' . __('<strong>Warning : </strong> By enabling this, registered users will not be able to see bookings they make as guests in their "My Bookings" page.', 'dbem'));
$current_user = array();
if (get_option('dbem_bookings_registration_user')) {
    $user = get_user_by('id', get_option('dbem_bookings_registration_user'));
    $current_user[$user->ID] = $user->display_name;
    em_options_input_text(__('Assign bookings to', 'dbem'), 'dbem_bookings_registration_user', __('Please add a User ID.', 'dbem') . ' ' . __('Choose a parent user to assign bookings to. People making their booking will be unaware of this and will never have access to those user details. This should be a subscriber user you do not use to log in with yourself.', 'dbem'));
} else {
    em_options_select(__('Assign bookings to', 'dbem'), 'dbem_bookings_registration_user', em_get_wp_users(array('role' => 'subscriber'), $current_user), __('Choose a parent user to assign bookings to. People making their booking will be unaware of this and will never have access to those user details. This should be a subscriber user you do not use to log in with yourself.', 'dbem'));
echo $save_button;

	</div> <!-- . inside -->
	</div> <!-- .postbox -->

</div> <!-- .em-menu-bookings -->

示例8: settings

     * Settings for Multiple Bookings Mode 
    public static function settings()
        global $save_button;
        <div  class="postbox " id="em-opt-multiple-bookings" >
        	<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
        esc_attr_e_emp('Click to toggle', 'dbem');
"><br /></div><h3><span><?php 
        _e('Multiple Bookings Mode', 'em-pro');
        	<div class="inside">
        		<table class='form-table'>
        			<tr class="em-boxheader"><td colspan='2'>
        _e('Multiple Bookings Mode enables your visitors to make bookings follow a flow similar to that of a shopping cart, meaning users can book multiple events and pay for them in one go.', 'em-pro');
        					<a href="http://wp-events-plugin.com/documentation/multiple-booking-mode/"><?php 
        echo sprintf(__('More about %s.', 'em-pro'), __('Multiple Bookings Mode', 'em-pro'));
        em_options_radio_binary(__('Enable Muliple Bookings Mode?', 'em-pro'), 'dbem_multiple_bookings');
        			<tbody id="dbem-js-multiple-bookings">
        echo __('Checkout Page', 'em-pro');
        wp_dropdown_pages(array('name' => 'dbem_multiple_bookings_checkout_page', 'selected' => get_option('dbem_multiple_bookings_checkout_page'), 'show_option_none' => '[' . esc_html__emp('None', 'dbem') . ']'));
								<br />
        echo __('This page will be where the user reviews their bookings, enters additional information (such as user registration info) and proceeds with payment.', 'em-pro');
        echo ' ' . sprintf(__('Please <a href="%s">add a new page</a> and assign it here. This is required for Multiple Bookings Mode to work.', 'em-pro'), 'post-new.php?post_type=page');
        em_options_radio_binary(__('Redirect To Checkout on Booking?', 'em-pro'), 'dbem_multiple_bookings_redirect', __('It set to yes, when a booking has been added to the cart, the user will be redirected to the checkout page. Whilst redirecting the confirmation message below will also be shown, you may also want to modify that too let them know they are being redirected.', 'em-pro'));
        em_options_select(__('Checkout Page Booking Form', 'em-pro'), 'dbem_multiple_bookings_form', EM_Booking_Form::get_forms_names(), __('This form will be shown on the checkout page, which should include user fields you may want when registering new users. Any non-user fields will be added as supplementary information to every booking, if you have identical Field IDs on the individual event booking form, that field value will be saved to the individual booking instead.', 'em-pro'));
        echo __('Cart Page', 'em-pro');
        wp_dropdown_pages(array('name' => 'dbem_multiple_bookings_cart_page', 'selected' => get_option('dbem_multiple_bookings_cart_page'), 'show_option_none' => '[' . esc_html__emp('None', 'dbem') . ']'));
								<br />
        echo __('This page will display the events the user has chosen to book and allow them to edit their bookings before checkout.', 'em-pro');
        echo ' ' . sprintf(__('Please <a href="%s">add a new page</a> and assign it here. This is required for Multiple Bookings Mode to work.', 'em-pro'), 'post-new.php?post_type=page');
        em_options_input_text(__('Successfully Added Message', 'em-pro'), 'dbem_multiple_bookings_feedback_added', __('A booking was successfull added to the bookings cart.', 'em-pro'));
        em_options_input_text(__('Loading Cart Contents', 'em-pro'), 'dbem_multiple_bookings_feedback_loading_cart', __('If caching plugins are used, cart contents are loaded after a page load and this text is shown whilst loading.', 'em-pro'));
        em_options_input_text(__('Event Already Booked', 'em-pro'), 'dbem_multiple_bookings_feedback_already_added', __('This event has already been added to the cart and cannot be added twice.', 'em-pro'));
        em_options_input_text(__('No Bookings', 'em-pro'), 'dbem_multiple_bookings_feedback_no_bookings', __('User has not booked any events yet, cart is empty.', 'em-pro'));
        em_options_input_text(__('Empty Cart Warning', 'em-pro'), 'dbem_multiple_bookings_feedback_empty_cart', __('Warning after the "empty cart" button is clicked.', 'em-pro'));
        em_options_input_text(__('Checkout Form Button', 'em-pro'), 'dbem_multiple_bookings_submit_button', __('The text shown in the checkout page form.', 'em-pro'));
        echo $save_button;
        	</div> <!-- . inside -->
        </div> <!-- .postbox -->
		<script type="text/javascript">
					if( $('input:radio[name="dbem_multiple_bookings"]:checked').val() == 1 ){

示例9: em_admin_option_box_email

 * Meta options box for email settings. Shared in both MS and Normal options page, hence it's own function 
function em_admin_option_box_email()
    global $save_button;
	<div  class="postbox " >
	<div class="handlediv" title="<?php 
    __('Click to toggle', 'dbem');
"><br /></div><h3><span><?php 
    _e('Email Settings', 'dbem');
	<div class="inside">
		<table class='form-table'>
    em_options_input_text(__('Notification sender name', 'dbem'), 'dbem_mail_sender_name', __("Insert the display name of the notification sender.", 'dbem'));
    em_options_input_text(__('Notification sender address', 'dbem'), 'dbem_mail_sender_address', __("Insert the address of the notification sender.", 'dbem'));
    em_options_select(__('Mail sending method', 'dbem'), 'dbem_rsvp_mail_send_method', array('smtp' => 'SMTP', 'mail' => __('PHP mail function', 'dbem'), 'sendmail' => 'Sendmail', 'qmail' => 'Qmail', 'wp_mail' => 'WP Mail'), __('Select the method to send email notification.', 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Send HTML Emails?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_smtp_html', __('If set to yes, your emails will be sent in HTML format, otherwise plaintext.', 'dbem') . ' ' . __('Depending on server settings, some sending methods may ignore this settings.', 'dbem'));
			<tbody class="em-email-settings-smtp">
    em_options_input_text('Mail sending port', 'dbem_rsvp_mail_port', __("The port through which you e-mail notifications will be sent. Make sure the firewall doesn't block this port", 'dbem'));
    em_options_radio_binary(__('Use SMTP authentication?', 'dbem'), 'dbem_rsvp_mail_SMTPAuth', __('SMTP authentication is often needed. If you use GMail, make sure to set this parameter to Yes', 'dbem'));
    em_options_input_text('SMTP host', 'dbem_smtp_host', __("The SMTP host. Usually it corresponds to 'localhost'. If you use GMail, set this value to 'ssl://smtp.gmail.com:465'.", 'dbem'));
    em_options_input_text(__('SMTP username', 'dbem'), 'dbem_smtp_username', __("Insert the username to be used to access your SMTP server.", 'dbem'));
    em_options_input_password(__('SMTP password', 'dbem'), "dbem_smtp_password", __("Insert the password to be used to access your SMTP server", 'dbem'));
    echo $save_button;
		<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
				$('#dbem_rsvp_mail_send_method_row select').change(function(){
					el = $(this);
					if( el.find(':selected').val() == 'smtp' ){
	</div> <!-- . inside -->
	</div> <!-- .postbox --> 









PHP em_options_textarea函数代码示例发布时间:2022-05-15
PHP em_options_radio_binary函数代码示例发布时间:2022-05-15





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