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Golang model.Post类代码示例

原作者: [db:作者] 来自: [db:来源] 收藏 邀请

本文整理汇总了Golang中github.com/mattermost/platform/model.Post的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Golang Post类的具体用法?Golang Post怎么用?Golang Post使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: CreateValetPost

func CreateValetPost(c *Context, post *model.Post) (*model.Post, *model.AppError) {
	post.Hashtags, _ = model.ParseHashtags(post.Message)

	post.Filenames = []string{} // no files allowed in valet posts yet

	if result := <-Srv.Store.User().GetByUsername(c.Session.TeamId, "valet"); result.Err != nil {
		// if the bot doesn't exist, create it
		if tresult := <-Srv.Store.Team().Get(c.Session.TeamId); tresult.Err != nil {
			return nil, tresult.Err
		} else {
			post.UserId = (CreateValet(c, tresult.Data.(*model.Team))).Id
	} else {
		post.UserId = result.Data.(*model.User).Id

	var rpost *model.Post
	if result := <-Srv.Store.Post().Save(post); result.Err != nil {
		return nil, result.Err
	} else {
		rpost = result.Data.(*model.Post)

	fireAndForgetNotifications(rpost, c.Session.TeamId, c.TeamUrl)

	return rpost, nil

示例2: parseSlackAttachment

// This method only parses and processes the attachments,
// all else should be set in the post which is passed
func parseSlackAttachment(post *model.Post, attachments interface{}) {
	post.Type = model.POST_SLACK_ATTACHMENT

	if list, success := attachments.([]interface{}); success {
		for i, aInt := range list {
			attachment := aInt.(map[string]interface{})
			if aText, ok := attachment["text"].(string); ok {
				aText = linkWithTextRegex.ReplaceAllString(aText, "[${2}](${1})")
				attachment["text"] = aText
				list[i] = attachment
			if aText, ok := attachment["pretext"].(string); ok {
				aText = linkWithTextRegex.ReplaceAllString(aText, "[${2}](${1})")
				attachment["pretext"] = aText
				list[i] = attachment
			if fVal, ok := attachment["fields"]; ok {
				if fields, ok := fVal.([]interface{}); ok {
					// parse attachment field links into Markdown format
					for j, fInt := range fields {
						field := fInt.(map[string]interface{})
						if fValue, ok := field["value"].(string); ok {
							fValue = linkWithTextRegex.ReplaceAllString(fValue, "[${2}](${1})")
							field["value"] = fValue
							fields[j] = field
					attachment["fields"] = fields
					list[i] = attachment
		post.AddProp("attachments", list)

示例3: sendReactionEvent

func sendReactionEvent(event string, channelId string, reaction *model.Reaction, postHadReactions bool) {
	// send out that a reaction has been added/removed
	go func() {
		message := model.NewWebSocketEvent(event, "", channelId, "", nil)
		message.Add("reaction", reaction.ToJson())


	// send out that a post was updated if post.HasReactions has changed
	go func() {
		var post *model.Post
		if result := <-app.Srv.Store.Post().Get(reaction.PostId); result.Err != nil {
		} else {
			post = result.Data.(*model.PostList).Posts[reaction.PostId]

		if post.HasReactions != postHadReactions {
			message := model.NewWebSocketEvent(model.WEBSOCKET_EVENT_POST_EDITED, "", channelId, "", nil)
			message.Add("post", post.ToJson())


示例4: ImportPost

func ImportPost(post *model.Post) {
	// Workaround for empty messages, which may be the case if they are webhook posts.
	firstIteration := true
	for messageRuneCount := utf8.RuneCountInString(post.Message); messageRuneCount > 0 || firstIteration; messageRuneCount = utf8.RuneCountInString(post.Message) {
		firstIteration = false
		var remainder string
		if messageRuneCount > model.POST_MESSAGE_MAX_RUNES {
			remainder = string(([]rune(post.Message))[model.POST_MESSAGE_MAX_RUNES:])
			post.Message = truncateRunes(post.Message, model.POST_MESSAGE_MAX_RUNES)
		} else {
			remainder = ""

		post.Hashtags, _ = model.ParseHashtags(post.Message)

		if result := <-app.Srv.Store.Post().Save(post); result.Err != nil {
			l4g.Debug(utils.T("api.import.import_post.saving.debug"), post.UserId, post.Message)

		for _, fileId := range post.FileIds {
			if result := <-app.Srv.Store.FileInfo().AttachToPost(fileId, post.Id); result.Err != nil {
				l4g.Error(utils.T("api.import.import_post.attach_files.error"), post.Id, post.FileIds, result.Err)

		post.Id = ""
		post.Message = remainder

示例5: CreatePost

func CreatePost(c *Context, post *model.Post, triggerWebhooks bool) (*model.Post, *model.AppError) {
	var pchan store.StoreChannel
	if len(post.RootId) > 0 {
		pchan = Srv.Store.Post().Get(post.RootId)

	// Verify the parent/child relationships are correct
	if pchan != nil {
		if presult := <-pchan; presult.Err != nil {
			return nil, model.NewLocAppError("createPost", "api.post.create_post.root_id.app_error", nil, "")
		} else {
			list := presult.Data.(*model.PostList)
			if len(list.Posts) == 0 || !list.IsChannelId(post.ChannelId) {
				return nil, model.NewLocAppError("createPost", "api.post.create_post.channel_root_id.app_error", nil, "")

			if post.ParentId == "" {
				post.ParentId = post.RootId

			if post.RootId != post.ParentId {
				parent := list.Posts[post.ParentId]
				if parent == nil {
					return nil, model.NewLocAppError("createPost", "api.post.create_post.parent_id.app_error", nil, "")

	if post.CreateAt != 0 && !HasPermissionToContext(c, model.PERMISSION_MANAGE_SYSTEM) {
		post.CreateAt = 0
		c.Err = nil

	post.Hashtags, _ = model.ParseHashtags(post.Message)

	var rpost *model.Post
	if result := <-Srv.Store.Post().Save(post); result.Err != nil {
		return nil, result.Err
	} else {
		rpost = result.Data.(*model.Post)

	if len(post.FileIds) > 0 {
		// There's a rare bug where the client sends up duplicate FileIds so protect against that
		post.FileIds = utils.RemoveDuplicatesFromStringArray(post.FileIds)

		for _, fileId := range post.FileIds {
			if result := <-Srv.Store.FileInfo().AttachToPost(fileId, post.Id); result.Err != nil {
				l4g.Error(utils.T("api.post.create_post.attach_files.error"), post.Id, post.FileIds, c.Session.UserId, result.Err)

	handlePostEvents(c, rpost, triggerWebhooks)

	return rpost, nil

示例6: Get

func (s SqlPostStore) Get(id string) StoreChannel {
	storeChannel := make(StoreChannel)

	go func() {
		result := StoreResult{}
		pl := &model.PostList{}

		var post model.Post
		err := s.GetReplica().SelectOne(&post, "SELECT * FROM Posts WHERE Id = ? AND DeleteAt = 0", id)
		if err != nil {
			result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlPostStore.GetPost", "We couldn't get the post", "id="+id+err.Error())

		if post.ImgCount > 0 {
			post.Filenames = []string{}
			for i := 0; int64(i) < post.ImgCount; i++ {
				fileUrl := "/api/v1/files/get_image/" + post.ChannelId + "/" + post.Id + "/" + strconv.Itoa(i+1) + ".png"
				post.Filenames = append(post.Filenames, fileUrl)


		rootId := post.RootId

		if rootId == "" {
			rootId = post.Id

		var posts []*model.Post
		_, err = s.GetReplica().Select(&posts, "SELECT * FROM Posts WHERE (Id = ? OR RootId = ?) AND DeleteAt = 0", rootId, rootId)
		if err != nil {
			result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlPostStore.GetPost", "We couldn't get the post", "root_id="+rootId+err.Error())
		} else {
			for _, p := range posts {

		result.Data = pl

		storeChannel <- result

	return storeChannel

示例7: ImportIncomingWebhookPost

func ImportIncomingWebhookPost(post *model.Post, props model.StringInterface) {
	linkWithTextRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`<([^<\|]+)\|([^>]+)>`)
	post.Message = linkWithTextRegex.ReplaceAllString(post.Message, "[${2}](${1})")

	post.AddProp("from_webhook", "true")

	if _, ok := props["override_username"]; !ok {
		post.AddProp("override_username", model.DEFAULT_WEBHOOK_USERNAME)

	if len(props) > 0 {
		for key, val := range props {
			if key == "attachments" {
				if list, success := val.([]interface{}); success {
					// parse attachment links into Markdown format
					for i, aInt := range list {
						attachment := aInt.(map[string]interface{})
						if aText, ok := attachment["text"].(string); ok {
							aText = linkWithTextRegex.ReplaceAllString(aText, "[${2}](${1})")
							attachment["text"] = aText
							list[i] = attachment
						if aText, ok := attachment["pretext"].(string); ok {
							aText = linkWithTextRegex.ReplaceAllString(aText, "[${2}](${1})")
							attachment["pretext"] = aText
							list[i] = attachment
						if fVal, ok := attachment["fields"]; ok {
							if fields, ok := fVal.([]interface{}); ok {
								// parse attachment field links into Markdown format
								for j, fInt := range fields {
									field := fInt.(map[string]interface{})
									if fValue, ok := field["value"].(string); ok {
										fValue = linkWithTextRegex.ReplaceAllString(fValue, "[${2}](${1})")
										field["value"] = fValue
										fields[j] = field
								attachment["fields"] = fields
								list[i] = attachment
					post.AddProp(key, list)
			} else if key != "from_webhook" {
				post.AddProp(key, val)


示例8: TestPostStoreSave

func TestPostStoreSave(t *testing.T) {

	o1 := model.Post{}
	o1.ChannelId = model.NewId()
	o1.UserId = model.NewId()
	o1.Message = "a" + model.NewId() + "b"

	if err := (<-store.Post().Save(&o1)).Err; err != nil {
		t.Fatal("couldn't save item", err)

	if err := (<-store.Post().Save(&o1)).Err; err == nil {
		t.Fatal("shouldn't be able to update from save")

示例9: Save

func (s SqlPostStore) Save(post *model.Post) StoreChannel {
	storeChannel := make(StoreChannel)

	go func() {
		result := StoreResult{}

		if len(post.Id) > 0 {
			result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlPostStore.Save",
				"You cannot update an existing Post", "id="+post.Id)
			storeChannel <- result

		if result.Err = post.IsValid(); result.Err != nil {
			storeChannel <- result

		if err := s.GetMaster().Insert(post); err != nil {
			result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlPostStore.Save", "We couldn't save the Post", "id="+post.Id+", "+err.Error())
		} else {
			time := model.GetMillis()

			if post.Type != model.POST_JOIN_LEAVE {
				s.GetMaster().Exec("UPDATE Channels SET LastPostAt = :LastPostAt, TotalMsgCount = TotalMsgCount + 1 WHERE Id = :ChannelId", map[string]interface{}{"LastPostAt": time, "ChannelId": post.ChannelId})
			} else {
				// don't update TotalMsgCount for unimportant messages so that the channel isn't marked as unread
				s.GetMaster().Exec("UPDATE Channels SET LastPostAt = :LastPostAt WHERE Id = :ChannelId", map[string]interface{}{"LastPostAt": time, "ChannelId": post.ChannelId})

			if len(post.RootId) > 0 {
				s.GetMaster().Exec("UPDATE Posts SET UpdateAt = :UpdateAt WHERE Id = :RootId", map[string]interface{}{"UpdateAt": time, "RootId": post.RootId})

			result.Data = post

		storeChannel <- result

	return storeChannel

示例10: Update

func (s SqlPostStore) Update(oldPost *model.Post, newMessage string, newHashtags string) StoreChannel {
	storeChannel := make(StoreChannel)

	go func() {
		result := StoreResult{}

		editPost := *oldPost
		editPost.Message = newMessage
		editPost.UpdateAt = model.GetMillis()
		editPost.Hashtags = newHashtags

		oldPost.DeleteAt = editPost.UpdateAt
		oldPost.UpdateAt = editPost.UpdateAt
		oldPost.OriginalId = oldPost.Id
		oldPost.Id = model.NewId()

		if result.Err = editPost.IsValid(); result.Err != nil {
			storeChannel <- result

		if _, err := s.GetMaster().Update(&editPost); err != nil {
			result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlPostStore.Update", "We couldn't update the Post", "id="+editPost.Id+", "+err.Error())
		} else {
			time := model.GetMillis()
			s.GetMaster().Exec("UPDATE Channels SET LastPostAt = :LastPostAt  WHERE Id = :ChannelId", map[string]interface{}{"LastPostAt": time, "ChannelId": editPost.ChannelId})

			if len(editPost.RootId) > 0 {
				s.GetMaster().Exec("UPDATE Posts SET UpdateAt = :UpdateAt WHERE Id = :RootId", map[string]interface{}{"UpdateAt": time, "RootId": editPost.RootId})

			// mark the old post as deleted

			result.Data = &editPost

		storeChannel <- result

	return storeChannel

示例11: ImportPost

func ImportPost(post *model.Post) {
	for messageRuneCount := utf8.RuneCountInString(post.Message); messageRuneCount > 0; messageRuneCount = utf8.RuneCountInString(post.Message) {
		var remainder string
		if messageRuneCount > model.POST_MESSAGE_MAX_RUNES {
			remainder = string(([]rune(post.Message))[model.POST_MESSAGE_MAX_RUNES:])
			post.Message = truncateRunes(post.Message, model.POST_MESSAGE_MAX_RUNES)
		} else {
			remainder = ""

		post.Hashtags, _ = model.ParseHashtags(post.Message)

		if result := <-Srv.Store.Post().Save(post); result.Err != nil {
			l4g.Debug(utils.T("api.import.import_post.saving.debug"), post.UserId, post.Message)

		post.Id = ""
		post.Message = remainder

示例12: Save

func (s SqlPostStore) Save(post *model.Post) StoreChannel {
	storeChannel := make(StoreChannel)

	go func() {
		result := StoreResult{}

		if len(post.Id) > 0 {
			result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlPostStore.Save",
				"You cannot update an existing Post", "id="+post.Id)
			storeChannel <- result

		if result.Err = post.IsValid(); result.Err != nil {
			storeChannel <- result

		if err := s.GetMaster().Insert(post); err != nil {
			result.Err = model.NewAppError("SqlPostStore.Save", "We couldn't save the Post", "id="+post.Id+", "+err.Error())
		} else {
			time := model.GetMillis()
			s.GetMaster().Exec("UPDATE Channels SET LastPostAt = ?, TotalMsgCount = TotalMsgCount + 1  WHERE Id = ?", time, post.ChannelId)

			if len(post.RootId) > 0 {
				s.GetMaster().Exec("UPDATE Posts SET UpdateAt = ? WHERE Id = ?", time, post.RootId)

			result.Data = post

		storeChannel <- result

	return storeChannel

示例13: CreateCommandPost

func CreateCommandPost(post *model.Post, teamId string, response *model.CommandResponse) (*model.Post, *model.AppError) {
	post.Message = parseSlackLinksToMarkdown(response.Text)
	post.CreateAt = model.GetMillis()

	if response.Attachments != nil {
		parseSlackAttachment(post, response.Attachments)

	switch response.ResponseType {
		return CreatePost(post, teamId, true)
		if response.Text == "" {
			return post, nil

		post.ParentId = ""
		SendEphemeralPost(teamId, post.UserId, post)

	return post, nil

示例14: Update

func (s SqlPostStore) Update(newPost *model.Post, oldPost *model.Post) StoreChannel {
	storeChannel := make(StoreChannel, 1)

	go func() {
		result := StoreResult{}

		newPost.UpdateAt = model.GetMillis()

		oldPost.DeleteAt = newPost.UpdateAt
		oldPost.UpdateAt = newPost.UpdateAt
		oldPost.OriginalId = oldPost.Id
		oldPost.Id = model.NewId()

		if result.Err = newPost.IsValid(); result.Err != nil {
			storeChannel <- result

		if _, err := s.GetMaster().Update(newPost); err != nil {
			result.Err = model.NewLocAppError("SqlPostStore.Update", "store.sql_post.update.app_error", nil, "id="+newPost.Id+", "+err.Error())
		} else {
			time := model.GetMillis()
			s.GetMaster().Exec("UPDATE Channels SET LastPostAt = :LastPostAt  WHERE Id = :ChannelId", map[string]interface{}{"LastPostAt": time, "ChannelId": newPost.ChannelId})

			if len(newPost.RootId) > 0 {
				s.GetMaster().Exec("UPDATE Posts SET UpdateAt = :UpdateAt WHERE Id = :RootId", map[string]interface{}{"UpdateAt": time, "RootId": newPost.RootId})

			// mark the old post as deleted

			result.Data = newPost

		storeChannel <- result

	return storeChannel

示例15: SendEphemeralPost

func SendEphemeralPost(teamId, userId string, post *model.Post) {
	post.Type = model.POST_EPHEMERAL

	// fill in fields which haven't been specified which have sensible defaults
	if post.Id == "" {
		post.Id = model.NewId()
	if post.CreateAt == 0 {
		post.CreateAt = model.GetMillis()
	if post.Props == nil {
		post.Props = model.StringInterface{}
	if post.Filenames == nil {
		post.Filenames = []string{}

	message := model.NewWebSocketEvent(model.WEBSOCKET_EVENT_EPHEMERAL_MESSAGE, "", post.ChannelId, userId, nil)
	message.Add("post", post.ToJson())

	go Publish(message)

示例16: SendEphemeralPost

func SendEphemeralPost(teamId, userId string, post *model.Post) {
	post.Type = model.POST_EPHEMERAL

	// fill in fields which haven't been specified which have sensible defaults
	if post.Id == "" {
		post.Id = model.NewId()
	if post.CreateAt == 0 {
		post.CreateAt = model.GetMillis()
	if post.Props == nil {
		post.Props = model.StringInterface{}
	if post.Filenames == nil {
		post.Filenames = []string{}

	message := model.NewMessage(teamId, post.ChannelId, userId, model.ACTION_EPHEMERAL_MESSAGE)
	message.Add("post", post.ToJson())


示例17: fireAndForgetNotifications

func fireAndForgetNotifications(post *model.Post, teamId, teamUrl string) {

	go func() {
		// Get a list of user names (to be used as keywords) and ids for the given team
		uchan := Srv.Store.User().GetProfiles(teamId)
		echan := Srv.Store.Channel().GetMembers(post.ChannelId)
		cchan := Srv.Store.Channel().Get(post.ChannelId)
		tchan := Srv.Store.Team().Get(teamId)

		var channel *model.Channel
		var channelName string
		var bodyText string
		var subjectText string
		if result := <-cchan; result.Err != nil {
			l4g.Error("Failed to retrieve channel channel_id=%v, err=%v", post.ChannelId, result.Err)
		} else {
			channel = result.Data.(*model.Channel)
			if channel.Type == model.CHANNEL_DIRECT {
				bodyText = "You have one new message."
				subjectText = "New Direct Message"
			} else {
				bodyText = "You have one new mention."
				subjectText = "New Mention"
				channelName = channel.DisplayName

		var mentionedUsers []string

		if result := <-uchan; result.Err != nil {
			l4g.Error("Failed to retrieve user profiles team_id=%v, err=%v", teamId, result.Err)
		} else {
			profileMap := result.Data.(map[string]*model.User)

			if _, ok := profileMap[post.UserId]; !ok {
				l4g.Error("Post user_id not returned by GetProfiles user_id=%v", post.UserId)
			senderName := profileMap[post.UserId].Username

			toEmailMap := make(map[string]bool)

			if channel.Type == model.CHANNEL_DIRECT {

				var otherUserId string
				if userIds := strings.Split(channel.Name, "__"); userIds[0] == post.UserId {
					otherUserId = userIds[1]
					channelName = profileMap[userIds[1]].Username
				} else {
					otherUserId = userIds[0]
					channelName = profileMap[userIds[0]].Username

				otherUser := profileMap[otherUserId]
				sendEmail := true
				if _, ok := otherUser.NotifyProps["email"]; ok && otherUser.NotifyProps["email"] == "false" {
					sendEmail = false
				if sendEmail && (otherUser.IsOffline() || otherUser.IsAway()) {
					toEmailMap[otherUserId] = true

			} else {

				// Find out who is a member of the channel only keep those profiles
				if eResult := <-echan; eResult.Err != nil {
					l4g.Error("Failed to get channel members channel_id=%v err=%v", post.ChannelId, eResult.Err.Message)
				} else {
					tempProfileMap := make(map[string]*model.User)
					members := eResult.Data.([]model.ChannelMember)
					for _, member := range members {
						tempProfileMap[member.UserId] = profileMap[member.UserId]

					profileMap = tempProfileMap

				// Build map for keywords
				keywordMap := make(map[string][]string)
				for _, profile := range profileMap {
					if len(profile.NotifyProps["mention_keys"]) > 0 {

						// Add all the user's mention keys
						splitKeys := strings.Split(profile.NotifyProps["mention_keys"], ",")
						for _, k := range splitKeys {
							keywordMap[k] = append(keywordMap[strings.ToLower(k)], profile.Id)

						// If turned on, add the user's case sensitive first name
						if profile.NotifyProps["first_name"] == "true" {
							splitName := strings.Split(profile.FullName, " ")
							if len(splitName) > 0 && splitName[0] != "" {
								keywordMap[splitName[0]] = append(keywordMap[splitName[0]], profile.Id)

示例18: sendNotifications

func sendNotifications(c *Context, post *model.Post, team *model.Team, channel *model.Channel, profileMap map[string]*model.User, members []model.ChannelMember) {
	var channelName string
	var bodyText string
	var subjectText string

	var mentionedUsers []string

	if _, ok := profileMap[post.UserId]; !ok {
		l4g.Error(utils.T("api.post.send_notifications_and_forget.user_id.error"), post.UserId)
	senderName := profileMap[post.UserId].Username

	toEmailMap := make(map[string]bool)

	if channel.Type == model.CHANNEL_DIRECT {

		var otherUserId string
		if userIds := strings.Split(channel.Name, "__"); userIds[0] == post.UserId {
			otherUserId = userIds[1]
			channelName = profileMap[userIds[1]].Username
		} else {
			otherUserId = userIds[0]
			channelName = profileMap[userIds[0]].Username

		otherUser := profileMap[otherUserId]
		sendEmail := true
		if _, ok := otherUser.NotifyProps["email"]; ok && otherUser.NotifyProps["email"] == "false" {
			sendEmail = false
		if sendEmail && (otherUser.IsOffline() || otherUser.IsAway()) {
			toEmailMap[otherUserId] = true

	} else {
		// Find out who is a member of the channel, only keep those profiles
		tempProfileMap := make(map[string]*model.User)
		for _, member := range members {
			tempProfileMap[member.UserId] = profileMap[member.UserId]

		profileMap = tempProfileMap

		// Build map for keywords
		keywordMap := make(map[string][]string)
		for _, profile := range profileMap {
			if len(profile.NotifyProps["mention_keys"]) > 0 {

				// Add all the user's mention keys
				splitKeys := strings.Split(profile.NotifyProps["mention_keys"], ",")
				for _, k := range splitKeys {
					keywordMap[k] = append(keywordMap[strings.ToLower(k)], profile.Id)

			// If turned on, add the user's case sensitive first name
			if profile.NotifyProps["first_name"] == "true" {
				keywordMap[profile.FirstName] = append(keywordMap[profile.FirstName], profile.Id)

			// Add @all to keywords if user has them turned on
			// if profile.NotifyProps["all"] == "true" {
			// 	keywordMap["@all"] = append(keywordMap["@all"], profile.Id)
			// }

			// Add @channel to keywords if user has them turned on
			if profile.NotifyProps["channel"] == "true" {
				keywordMap["@channel"] = append(keywordMap["@channel"], profile.Id)

		// Build a map as a list of unique user_ids that are mentioned in this post
		splitF := func(c rune) bool {
			return model.SplitRunes[c]
		splitMessage := strings.Fields(post.Message)
		for _, word := range splitMessage {
			var userIds []string

			// Non-case-sensitive check for regular keys
			if ids, match := keywordMap[strings.ToLower(word)]; match {
				userIds = append(userIds, ids...)

			// Case-sensitive check for first name
			if ids, match := keywordMap[word]; match {
				userIds = append(userIds, ids...)

			if len(userIds) == 0 {
				// No matches were found with the string split just on whitespace so try further splitting
				// the message on punctuation
				splitWords := strings.FieldsFunc(word, splitF)

				for _, splitWord := range splitWords {
					// Non-case-sensitive check for regular keys
					if ids, match := keywordMap[strings.ToLower(splitWord)]; match {
						userIds = append(userIds, ids...)

示例19: CreatePost

func CreatePost(c *Context, post *model.Post, triggerWebhooks bool) (*model.Post, *model.AppError) {
	var pchan store.StoreChannel
	if len(post.RootId) > 0 {
		pchan = Srv.Store.Post().Get(post.RootId)

	// Verify the parent/child relationships are correct
	if pchan != nil {
		if presult := <-pchan; presult.Err != nil {
			return nil, model.NewLocAppError("createPost", "api.post.create_post.root_id.app_error", nil, "")
		} else {
			list := presult.Data.(*model.PostList)
			if len(list.Posts) == 0 || !list.IsChannelId(post.ChannelId) {
				return nil, model.NewLocAppError("createPost", "api.post.create_post.channel_root_id.app_error", nil, "")

			if post.ParentId == "" {
				post.ParentId = post.RootId

			if post.RootId != post.ParentId {
				parent := list.Posts[post.ParentId]
				if parent == nil {
					return nil, model.NewLocAppError("createPost", "api.post.create_post.parent_id.app_error", nil, "")

	post.CreateAt = 0

	post.Hashtags, _ = model.ParseHashtags(post.Message)

	post.UserId = c.Session.UserId

	if len(post.Filenames) > 0 {
		doRemove := false
		for i := len(post.Filenames) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
			path := post.Filenames[i]

			doRemove = false
			if model.UrlRegex.MatchString(path) {
			} else if model.PartialUrlRegex.MatchString(path) {
				matches := model.PartialUrlRegex.FindAllStringSubmatch(path, -1)
				if len(matches) == 0 || len(matches[0]) < 4 {
					doRemove = true

				channelId := matches[0][1]
				if channelId != post.ChannelId {
					doRemove = true

				userId := matches[0][2]
				if userId != post.UserId {
					doRemove = true
			} else {
				doRemove = true
			if doRemove {
				l4g.Error(utils.T("api.post.create_post.bad_filename.error"), path)
				post.Filenames = append(post.Filenames[:i], post.Filenames[i+1:]...)

	var rpost *model.Post
	if result := <-Srv.Store.Post().Save(post); result.Err != nil {
		return nil, result.Err
	} else {
		rpost = result.Data.(*model.Post)

		handlePostEventsAndForget(c, rpost, triggerWebhooks)


	return rpost, nil

示例20: sendNotifications

func sendNotifications(c *Context, post *model.Post, team *model.Team, channel *model.Channel, profileMap map[string]*model.User, members []model.ChannelMember) {
	if _, ok := profileMap[post.UserId]; !ok {
		l4g.Error(utils.T("api.post.send_notifications_and_forget.user_id.error"), post.UserId)

	mentionedUserIds := make(map[string]bool)
	alwaysNotifyUserIds := []string{}

	if channel.Type == model.CHANNEL_DIRECT {

		var otherUserId string
		if userIds := strings.Split(channel.Name, "__"); userIds[0] == post.UserId {
			otherUserId = userIds[1]
		} else {
			otherUserId = userIds[0]

		mentionedUserIds[otherUserId] = true

	} else {
		// Find out who is a member of the channel, only keep those profiles
		tempProfileMap := make(map[string]*model.User)
		for _, member := range members {
			if profile, ok := profileMap[member.UserId]; ok {
				tempProfileMap[member.UserId] = profile

		profileMap = tempProfileMap

		// Build map for keywords
		keywordMap := make(map[string][]string)
		for _, profile := range profileMap {
			if len(profile.NotifyProps["mention_keys"]) > 0 {

				// Add all the user's mention keys
				splitKeys := strings.Split(profile.NotifyProps["mention_keys"], ",")
				for _, k := range splitKeys {
					keywordMap[k] = append(keywordMap[strings.ToLower(k)], profile.Id)

			// If turned on, add the user's case sensitive first name
			if profile.NotifyProps["first_name"] == "true" {
				keywordMap[profile.FirstName] = append(keywordMap[profile.FirstName], profile.Id)

			// Add @channel and @all to keywords if user has them turned on
			if profile.NotifyProps["channel"] == "true" {
				keywordMap["@channel"] = append(keywordMap["@channel"], profile.Id)
				keywordMap["@all"] = append(keywordMap["@all"], profile.Id)

			if profile.NotifyProps["push"] == model.USER_NOTIFY_ALL &&
				(post.UserId != profile.Id || post.Props["from_webhook"] == "true") &&
				!post.IsSystemMessage() {
				alwaysNotifyUserIds = append(alwaysNotifyUserIds, profile.Id)

		// Build a map as a list of unique user_ids that are mentioned in this post
		splitF := func(c rune) bool {
			return model.SplitRunes[c]
		splitMessage := strings.Fields(post.Message)
		for _, word := range splitMessage {
			var userIds []string

			// Non-case-sensitive check for regular keys
			if ids, match := keywordMap[strings.ToLower(word)]; match {
				userIds = append(userIds, ids...)

			// Case-sensitive check for first name
			if ids, match := keywordMap[word]; match {
				userIds = append(userIds, ids...)

			if len(userIds) == 0 {
				// No matches were found with the string split just on whitespace so try further splitting
				// the message on punctuation
				splitWords := strings.FieldsFunc(word, splitF)

				for _, splitWord := range splitWords {
					// Non-case-sensitive check for regular keys
					if ids, match := keywordMap[strings.ToLower(splitWord)]; match {
						userIds = append(userIds, ids...)

					// Case-sensitive check for first name
					if ids, match := keywordMap[splitWord]; match {
						userIds = append(userIds, ids...)

			for _, userId := range userIds {
				if post.UserId == userId && post.Props["from_webhook"] != "true" {









Golang model.Preference类代码示例发布时间:2022-05-23
Golang model.OutgoingWebhook类代码示例发布时间:2022-05-23





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