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Golang utils.NewErrMandatoryIeMissing函数代码示例

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本文整理汇总了Golang中github.com/cgrates/cgrates/utils.NewErrMandatoryIeMissing函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Golang NewErrMandatoryIeMissing函数的具体用法?Golang NewErrMandatoryIeMissing怎么用?Golang NewErrMandatoryIeMissing使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: AsKamAuthReply

func (kev KamEvent) AsKamAuthReply(maxSessionTime float64, suppliers string, resErr error) (*KamAuthReply, error) {
	var err error
	kar := &KamAuthReply{Event: CGR_AUTH_REPLY, Suppliers: suppliers}
	if resErr != nil {
		kar.Error = resErr.Error()
	if _, hasIt := kev[KAM_TR_INDEX]; !hasIt {
		return nil, utils.NewErrMandatoryIeMissing(KAM_TR_INDEX, "")
	if kar.TransactionIndex, err = strconv.Atoi(kev[KAM_TR_INDEX]); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if _, hasIt := kev[KAM_TR_LABEL]; !hasIt {
		return nil, utils.NewErrMandatoryIeMissing(KAM_TR_LABEL, "")
	if kar.TransactionLabel, err = strconv.Atoi(kev[KAM_TR_LABEL]); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if maxSessionTime != -1 { // Convert maxSessionTime from nanoseconds into seconds
		maxSessionDur := time.Duration(maxSessionTime)
		maxSessionTime = maxSessionDur.Seconds()
	kar.MaxSessionTime = int(utils.Round(maxSessionTime, 0, utils.ROUNDING_MIDDLE))
	return kar, nil

示例2: RemActionTiming

// Removes an ActionTimings or parts of it depending on filters being set
func (self *ApierV1) RemActionTiming(attrs AttrRemActionTiming, reply *string) error {
	if missing := utils.MissingStructFields(&attrs, []string{"ActionPlanId"}); len(missing) != 0 { // Only mandatory ActionPlanId
		return utils.NewErrMandatoryIeMissing(missing...)
	if len(attrs.Account) != 0 { // Presence of Account requires complete account details to be provided
		if missing := utils.MissingStructFields(&attrs, []string{"Tenant", "Account"}); len(missing) != 0 {
			return utils.NewErrMandatoryIeMissing(missing...)
	_, err := engine.Guardian.Guard(func() (interface{}, error) {
		ats, err := self.RatingDb.GetActionPlans(attrs.ActionPlanId, false)
		if err != nil {
			return 0, err
		} else if len(ats) == 0 {
			return 0, utils.ErrNotFound
		ats = engine.RemActionPlan(ats, attrs.ActionTimingId, utils.AccountKey(attrs.Tenant, attrs.Account))
		if err := self.RatingDb.SetActionPlans(attrs.ActionPlanId, ats); err != nil {
			return 0, err
		if len(ats) > 0 { // update cache
			self.RatingDb.CacheRatingPrefixValues(map[string][]string{utils.ACTION_PLAN_PREFIX: []string{utils.ACTION_PLAN_PREFIX + attrs.ActionPlanId}})
		return 0, nil
	}, 0, utils.ACTION_PLAN_PREFIX)
	if err != nil {
		return utils.NewErrServerError(err)
	if attrs.ReloadScheduler && self.Sched != nil {
	*reply = OK
	return nil

示例3: RemActionTiming

// Removes an ActionTimings or parts of it depending on filters being set
func (self *ApierV1) RemActionTiming(attrs AttrRemActionTiming, reply *string) error {
	if missing := utils.MissingStructFields(&attrs, []string{"ActionPlanId"}); len(missing) != 0 { // Only mandatory ActionPlanId
		return utils.NewErrMandatoryIeMissing(missing...)
	if len(attrs.Account) != 0 { // Presence of Account requires complete account details to be provided
		if missing := utils.MissingStructFields(&attrs, []string{"Tenant", "Account"}); len(missing) != 0 {
			return utils.NewErrMandatoryIeMissing(missing...)
	_, err := engine.Guardian.Guard(func() (interface{}, error) {
		ap, err := self.RatingDb.GetActionPlan(attrs.ActionPlanId, false)
		if err != nil {
			return 0, err
		} else if ap == nil {
			return 0, utils.ErrNotFound

		if attrs.Tenant != "" && attrs.Account != "" {
			accID := utils.AccountKey(attrs.Tenant, attrs.Account)
			delete(ap.AccountIDs, accID)
			err = self.RatingDb.SetActionPlan(ap.Id, ap, true)
			goto UPDATE

		if attrs.ActionTimingId != "" { // delete only a action timing from action plan
			for i, at := range ap.ActionTimings {
				if at.Uuid == attrs.ActionTimingId {
					ap.ActionTimings[i] = ap.ActionTimings[len(ap.ActionTimings)-1]
					ap.ActionTimings = ap.ActionTimings[:len(ap.ActionTimings)-1]
			err = self.RatingDb.SetActionPlan(ap.Id, ap, true)
			goto UPDATE

		if attrs.ActionPlanId != "" { // delete the entire action plan
			ap.ActionTimings = nil // will delete the action plan
			err = self.RatingDb.SetActionPlan(ap.Id, ap, true)
			goto UPDATE
		if err != nil {
			return 0, err
		// update cache
		self.RatingDb.CacheRatingPrefixValues("AttrRemActionTimingAPI", map[string][]string{utils.ACTION_PLAN_PREFIX: []string{utils.ACTION_PLAN_PREFIX + attrs.ActionPlanId}})
		return 0, nil
	}, 0, utils.ACTION_PLAN_PREFIX)
	if err != nil {
		*reply = err.Error()
		return utils.NewErrServerError(err)
	if attrs.ReloadScheduler && self.Sched != nil {
	*reply = OK
	return nil

示例4: GetTPAccountActions

// Queries specific DerivedCharge on tariff plan
func (self *ApierV1) GetTPAccountActions(attrs AttrGetTPAccountActions, reply *utils.TPAccountActions) error {
	if missing := utils.MissingStructFields(&attrs, []string{"TPid", "AccountActionsId"}); len(missing) != 0 { //Params missing
		return utils.NewErrMandatoryIeMissing(missing...)
	tmpAa := &utils.TPAccountActions{TPid: attrs.TPid}
	if err := tmpAa.SetAccountActionsId(attrs.AccountActionsId); err != nil {
		return err
	tmpAaa := engine.APItoModelAccountAction(tmpAa)
	if aas, err := self.StorDb.GetTpAccountActions(tmpAaa); err != nil {
		return utils.NewErrServerError(err)
	} else if len(aas) == 0 {
		return utils.ErrNotFound
	} else {
		tpAaa, err := engine.TpAccountActions(aas).GetAccountActions()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		aa := tpAaa[tmpAa.KeyId()]
		tpdc := utils.TPAccountActions{
			TPid:             attrs.TPid,
			ActionPlanId:     aa.ActionPlanId,
			ActionTriggersId: aa.ActionTriggersId,
		if err := tpdc.SetAccountActionsId(attrs.AccountActionsId); err != nil {
			return err
		*reply = tpdc
	return nil

示例5: GetTPAccountActionsByLoadId

// Queries specific AccountActions profile on tariff plan
func (self *ApierV1) GetTPAccountActionsByLoadId(attrs utils.TPAccountActions, reply *[]*utils.TPAccountActions) error {
	mndtryFlds := []string{"TPid", "LoadId"}
	if len(attrs.Account) != 0 { // If account provided as filter, make all related fields mandatory
		mndtryFlds = append(mndtryFlds, "Tenant", "Account")
	if missing := utils.MissingStructFields(&attrs, mndtryFlds); len(missing) != 0 { //Params missing
		return utils.NewErrMandatoryIeMissing(missing...)
	aas := engine.APItoModelAccountAction(&attrs)
	if aa, err := self.StorDb.GetTpAccountActions(aas); err != nil {
		return utils.NewErrServerError(err)
	} else if len(aa) == 0 {
		return utils.ErrNotFound
	} else {

		tpAa, err := engine.TpAccountActions(aa).GetAccountActions()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		var acts []*utils.TPAccountActions
		if len(attrs.Account) != 0 {
			acts = []*utils.TPAccountActions{tpAa[attrs.KeyId()]}
		} else {
			for _, actLst := range tpAa {
				acts = append(acts, actLst)
		*reply = acts
	return nil

示例6: GetDestinations

func (self *ApierV2) GetDestinations(attr AttrGetDestinations, reply *[]*engine.Destination) error {
	dests := make([]*engine.Destination, 0)
	if attr.DestinationIDs == nil {
		return utils.NewErrMandatoryIeMissing("DestIDs")
	if len(attr.DestinationIDs) == 0 {
		// get all destination ids
		destIDs, err := self.RatingDb.GetKeysForPrefix(utils.DESTINATION_PREFIX)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		for _, destID := range destIDs {
			attr.DestinationIDs = append(attr.DestinationIDs, destID[len(utils.DESTINATION_PREFIX):])
	for _, destID := range attr.DestinationIDs {
		dst, err := self.RatingDb.GetDestination(destID, false, utils.NonTransactional)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		dests = append(dests, dst)

	*reply = dests
	return nil

示例7: GetAccountActionPlan

func (self *ApierV1) GetAccountActionPlan(attrs AttrAcntAction, reply *[]*AccountActionTiming) error {
	if missing := utils.MissingStructFields(&attrs, []string{"Tenant", "Account"}); len(missing) != 0 {
		return utils.NewErrMandatoryIeMissing(strings.Join(missing, ","), "")
	accountATs := make([]*AccountActionTiming, 0) // needs to be initialized if remains empty
	allAPs, err := self.RatingDb.GetAllActionPlans()
	if err != nil {
		return utils.NewErrServerError(err)
	accID := utils.AccountKey(attrs.Tenant, attrs.Account)
	for _, ap := range allAPs {
		if ap == nil {
		if _, exists := ap.AccountIDs[accID]; exists {
			for _, at := range ap.ActionTimings {
				accountATs = append(accountATs, &AccountActionTiming{
					ActionPlanId: ap.Id,
					Uuid:         at.Uuid,
					ActionsId:    at.ActionsID,
					NextExecTime: at.GetNextStartTime(time.Now()),

	*reply = accountATs
	return nil

示例8: ImportTariffPlanFromFolder

func (self *ApierV1) ImportTariffPlanFromFolder(attrs utils.AttrImportTPFromFolder, reply *string) error {
	if missing := utils.MissingStructFields(&attrs, []string{"TPid", "FolderPath"}); len(missing) != 0 {
		return utils.NewErrMandatoryIeMissing(missing...)
	if len(attrs.CsvSeparator) == 0 {
		attrs.CsvSeparator = ","
	if fi, err := os.Stat(attrs.FolderPath); err != nil {
		if strings.HasSuffix(err.Error(), "no such file or directory") {
			return utils.ErrInvalidPath
		return utils.NewErrServerError(err)
	} else if !fi.IsDir() {
		return utils.ErrInvalidPath
	csvImporter := engine.TPCSVImporter{
		TPid:     attrs.TPid,
		StorDb:   self.StorDb,
		DirPath:  attrs.FolderPath,
		Sep:      rune(attrs.CsvSeparator[0]),
		Verbose:  false,
		ImportId: attrs.RunId,
	if err := csvImporter.Run(); err != nil {
		return utils.NewErrServerError(err)
	*reply = utils.OK
	return nil

示例9: LoadRatingPlan

// Process dependencies and load a specific rating plan from storDb into dataDb.
func (self *ApierV1) LoadRatingPlan(attrs AttrLoadRatingPlan, reply *string) error {
	if len(attrs.TPid) == 0 {
		return utils.NewErrMandatoryIeMissing("TPid")
	dbReader := engine.NewTpReader(self.RatingDb, self.AccountDb, self.StorDb, attrs.TPid, self.Config.DefaultTimezone, self.Config.LoadHistorySize)
	if loaded, err := dbReader.LoadRatingPlansFiltered(attrs.RatingPlanId); err != nil {
		return utils.NewErrServerError(err)
	} else if !loaded {
		return utils.ErrNotFound
	//Automatic cache of the newly inserted rating plan
	var changedRPlKeys []string
	if len(attrs.TPid) != 0 {
		if attrs.RatingPlanId != "" {
			changedRPlKeys = []string{utils.RATING_PLAN_PREFIX + attrs.RatingPlanId}
		} else {
			changedRPlKeys = nil
	if err := self.RatingDb.CacheRatingPrefixValues(map[string][]string{
		utils.RATING_PLAN_PREFIX: changedRPlKeys,
	}); err != nil {
		return err
	*reply = OK
	return nil

示例10: RemoveAccountActionTriggers

func (self *ApierV1) RemoveAccountActionTriggers(attr AttrRemoveAccountActionTriggers, reply *string) error {
	if missing := utils.MissingStructFields(&attr, []string{"Tenant", "Account"}); len(missing) != 0 {
		return utils.NewErrMandatoryIeMissing(missing...)
	accID := utils.AccountKey(attr.Tenant, attr.Account)
	_, err := engine.Guardian.Guard(func() (interface{}, error) {
		var account *engine.Account
		if acc, err := self.AccountDb.GetAccount(accID); err == nil {
			account = acc
		} else {
			return 0, err
		var newActionTriggers engine.ActionTriggers
		for _, at := range account.ActionTriggers {
			if (attr.UniqueID == "" || at.UniqueID == attr.UniqueID) &&
				(attr.GroupID == "" || at.ID == attr.GroupID) {
				// remove action trigger
			newActionTriggers = append(newActionTriggers, at)
		account.ActionTriggers = newActionTriggers
		if err := self.AccountDb.SetAccount(account); err != nil {
			return 0, err
		return 0, nil
	}, 0, accID)
	if err != nil {
		*reply = err.Error()
		return err
	*reply = utils.OK
	return nil

示例11: RemRatingSubjectAliases

// Remove aliases configured for a rating profile subject
func (self *ApierV1) RemRatingSubjectAliases(tenantRatingSubject engine.TenantRatingSubject, reply *string) error {
	if missing := utils.MissingStructFields(&tenantRatingSubject, []string{"Tenant", "Subject"}); len(missing) != 0 {
		return utils.NewErrMandatoryIeMissing(missing...)
	aliases := engine.GetAliasService()
	if aliases == nil {
		return errors.New("ALIASES_NOT_ENABLED")
	var reverseAliases map[string][]*engine.Alias
	if err := aliases.Call("AliasesV1.GetReverseAlias", &engine.AttrReverseAlias{Target: "Subject", Alias: tenantRatingSubject.Subject, Context: utils.ALIAS_CONTEXT_RATING}, &reverseAliases); err != nil {
		return utils.NewErrServerError(err)
	var ignr string
	for _, aliass := range reverseAliases {
		for _, alias := range aliass {
			if alias.Tenant != tenantRatingSubject.Tenant {
				continue // From another tenant
			if err := aliases.Call("AliasesV1.RemoveAlias", alias, &ignr); err != nil {
				return utils.NewErrServerError(err)
	*reply = utils.OK
	return nil

示例12: RemoveActionTrigger

func (self *ApierV1) RemoveActionTrigger(attr AttrRemoveActionTrigger, reply *string) error {
	if missing := utils.MissingStructFields(&attr, []string{"GroupID"}); len(missing) != 0 {
		return utils.NewErrMandatoryIeMissing(missing...)
	if attr.UniqueID == "" {
		err := self.RatingDb.RemoveActionTriggers(attr.GroupID, utils.NonTransactional)
		if err != nil {
			*reply = err.Error()
		} else {
			*reply = utils.OK
		return err
	} else {
		atrs, err := self.RatingDb.GetActionTriggers(attr.GroupID, false, utils.NonTransactional)
		if err != nil {
			*reply = err.Error()
			return err
		var remainingAtrs engine.ActionTriggers
		for _, atr := range atrs {
			if atr.UniqueID == attr.UniqueID {
			remainingAtrs = append(remainingAtrs, atr)
		// set the cleared list back
		err = self.RatingDb.SetActionTriggers(attr.GroupID, remainingAtrs, utils.NonTransactional)
		if err != nil {
			*reply = err.Error()
		} else {
			*reply = utils.OK
		return err

示例13: GetTPRatingProfile

// Queries specific RatingProfile on tariff plan
func (self *ApierV1) GetTPRatingProfile(attrs AttrGetTPRatingProfile, reply *utils.TPRatingProfile) error {
	if missing := utils.MissingStructFields(&attrs, []string{"TPid", "RatingProfileId"}); len(missing) != 0 { //Params missing
		return utils.NewErrMandatoryIeMissing(missing...)
	tmpRpf := &utils.TPRatingProfile{TPid: attrs.TPid}
	if err := tmpRpf.SetRatingProfilesId(attrs.RatingProfileId); err != nil {
		return err
	rpf := engine.APItoModelRatingProfile(tmpRpf)
	if rpfs, err := self.StorDb.GetTpRatingProfiles(&rpf[0]); err != nil {
		return utils.NewErrServerError(err)
	} else if len(rpfs) == 0 {
		return utils.ErrNotFound
	} else {
		rpfMap, err := engine.TpRatingProfiles(rpfs).GetRatingProfiles()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		rpf := rpfMap[tmpRpf.KeyId()]
		tpdc := utils.TPRatingProfile{
			TPid: attrs.TPid,
			RatingPlanActivations: rpf.RatingPlanActivations,
		if err := tpdc.SetRatingProfilesId(attrs.RatingProfileId); err != nil {
			return err
		*reply = tpdc
	return nil

示例14: LoadAccountActions

// Process dependencies and load a specific AccountActions profile from storDb into dataDb.
func (self *ApierV2) LoadAccountActions(attrs AttrLoadAccountActions, reply *string) error {
	if len(attrs.TPid) == 0 {
		return utils.NewErrMandatoryIeMissing("TPid")
	dbReader := engine.NewTpReader(self.RatingDb, self.AccountDb, self.StorDb, attrs.TPid, self.Config.DefaultTimezone, self.Config.LoadHistorySize)
	tpAa := &utils.TPAccountActions{TPid: attrs.TPid}
	aa := engine.APItoModelAccountAction(tpAa)
	if _, err := engine.Guardian.Guard(func() (interface{}, error) {
		if err := dbReader.LoadAccountActionsFiltered(aa); err != nil {
			return 0, err
		return 0, nil
	}, 0, attrs.AccountActionsId); err != nil {
		return utils.NewErrServerError(err)
	// ToDo: Get the action keys loaded by dbReader so we reload only these in cache
	// Need to do it before scheduler otherwise actions to run will be unknown
	if err := self.RatingDb.CacheRatingPrefixes(utils.DERIVEDCHARGERS_PREFIX, utils.ACTION_PREFIX, utils.SHARED_GROUP_PREFIX); err != nil {
		return err
	if self.Sched != nil {
	*reply = v1.OK
	return nil

示例15: GetTPRatingProfilesByLoadId

// Queries specific RatingProfile on tariff plan
func (self *ApierV1) GetTPRatingProfilesByLoadId(attrs utils.TPRatingProfile, reply *[]*utils.TPRatingProfile) error {
	mndtryFlds := []string{"TPid", "LoadId"}
	if len(attrs.Subject) != 0 { // If Subject provided as filter, make all related fields mandatory
		mndtryFlds = append(mndtryFlds, "Tenant", "TOR", "Direction", "Subject")
	if missing := utils.MissingStructFields(&attrs, mndtryFlds); len(missing) != 0 { //Params missing
		return utils.NewErrMandatoryIeMissing(missing...)
	rpf := engine.APItoModelRatingProfile(&attrs)
	if dr, err := self.StorDb.GetTpRatingProfiles(&rpf[0]); err != nil {
		return utils.NewErrServerError(err)
	} else if dr == nil {
		return utils.ErrNotFound
	} else {
		rpfMap, err := engine.TpRatingProfiles(dr).GetRatingProfiles()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		var rpfs []*utils.TPRatingProfile
		if len(attrs.Subject) != 0 {
			rpfs = []*utils.TPRatingProfile{rpfMap[attrs.KeyId()]}
		} else {
			for _, rpfLst := range rpfMap {
				rpfs = append(rpfs, rpfLst)
		*reply = rpfs
	return nil

示例16: RemAccountActionTriggers

// Returns a list of ActionTriggers on an account
func (self *ApierV1) RemAccountActionTriggers(attrs AttrRemAcntActionTriggers, reply *string) error {
	if missing := utils.MissingStructFields(&attrs, []string{"Tenant", "Account"}); len(missing) != 0 {
		return utils.NewErrMandatoryIeMissing(missing...)
	balanceId := utils.AccountKey(attrs.Tenant, attrs.Account)
	_, err := engine.Guardian.Guard(func() (interface{}, error) {
		ub, err := self.AccountDb.GetAccount(balanceId)
		if err != nil {
			return 0, err
		nactrs := make(engine.ActionTriggers, 0)
		for _, actr := range ub.ActionTriggers {
			match, _ := regexp.MatchString(attrs.ActionTriggersId, actr.Id)
			if len(attrs.ActionTriggersId) != 0 && !match {
				nactrs = append(nactrs, actr)
		ub.ActionTriggers = nactrs
		if err := self.AccountDb.SetAccount(ub); err != nil {
			return 0, err
		return 0, nil
	}, 0, balanceId)
	if err != nil {
		return utils.NewErrServerError(err)
	*reply = OK
	return nil

示例17: SetDestination

func (self *ApierV1) SetDestination(attrs utils.AttrSetDestination, reply *string) (err error) {
	if missing := utils.MissingStructFields(&attrs, []string{"Id", "Prefixes"}); len(missing) != 0 {
		return utils.NewErrMandatoryIeMissing(missing...)
	dest := &engine.Destination{Id: attrs.Id, Prefixes: attrs.Prefixes}
	var oldDest *engine.Destination
	if oldDest, err = self.RatingDb.GetDestination(attrs.Id, false, utils.NonTransactional); err != nil {
		if err != utils.ErrNotFound {
			return utils.NewErrServerError(err)
	} else if !attrs.Overwrite {
		return utils.ErrExists
	if err := self.RatingDb.SetDestination(dest, utils.NonTransactional); err != nil {
		return utils.NewErrServerError(err)
	if err = self.RatingDb.CacheDataFromDB(utils.DESTINATION_PREFIX, []string{attrs.Id}, true); err != nil {
	if err = self.RatingDb.UpdateReverseDestination(oldDest, dest, utils.NonTransactional); err != nil {
	if err = self.RatingDb.CacheDataFromDB(utils.REVERSE_DESTINATION_PREFIX, dest.Prefixes, true); err != nil {
	*reply = OK
	return nil

示例18: RemoveAccount

func (self *ApierV1) RemoveAccount(attr utils.AttrRemoveAccount, reply *string) error {
	if missing := utils.MissingStructFields(&attr, []string{"Tenant", "Account"}); len(missing) != 0 {
		return utils.NewErrMandatoryIeMissing(missing...)
	dirtyActionPlans := make(map[string]*engine.ActionPlan)
	accID := utils.AccountKey(attr.Tenant, attr.Account)
	_, err := engine.Guardian.Guard(func() (interface{}, error) {
		// remove it from all action plans
		_, err := engine.Guardian.Guard(func() (interface{}, error) {
			actionPlansMap, err := self.RatingDb.GetAllActionPlans()
			if err == utils.ErrNotFound {
				// no action plans
				return 0, nil
			if err != nil {
				return 0, err

			for actionPlanID, ap := range actionPlansMap {
				if _, exists := ap.AccountIDs[accID]; exists {
					delete(ap.AccountIDs, accID)
					dirtyActionPlans[actionPlanID] = ap

			var actionPlansCacheIds []string
			for actionPlanID, ap := range dirtyActionPlans {
				if err := self.RatingDb.SetActionPlan(actionPlanID, ap, true); err != nil {
					return 0, err
				actionPlansCacheIds = append(actionPlansCacheIds, utils.ACTION_PLAN_PREFIX+actionPlanID)
			if len(actionPlansCacheIds) > 0 {
				// update cache
				self.RatingDb.CacheRatingPrefixValues("RemoveAccountAPI", map[string][]string{
					utils.ACTION_PLAN_PREFIX: actionPlansCacheIds})
			return 0, nil
		}, 0, utils.ACTION_PLAN_PREFIX)
		if err != nil {
			return 0, err

		if err := self.AccountDb.RemoveAccount(accID); err != nil {
			return 0, err
		return 0, nil
	}, 0, accID)
	if err != nil {
		return utils.NewErrServerError(err)
	if attr.ReloadScheduler && len(dirtyActionPlans) > 0 {
		// reload scheduler
		if self.Sched != nil {
	*reply = OK
	return nil

示例19: ExportTPToFolder

func (self *ApierV2) ExportTPToFolder(attrs utils.AttrDirExportTP, exported *utils.ExportedTPStats) error {
	if len(*attrs.TPid) == 0 {
		return utils.NewErrMandatoryIeMissing("TPid")
	dir := self.Config.TpExportPath
	if attrs.ExportPath != nil {
		dir = *attrs.ExportPath
	fileFormat := utils.CSV
	if attrs.FileFormat != nil {
		fileFormat = *attrs.FileFormat
	sep := ","
	if attrs.FieldSeparator != nil {
		sep = *attrs.FieldSeparator
	compress := false
	if attrs.Compress != nil {
		compress = *attrs.Compress
	tpExporter, err := engine.NewTPExporter(self.StorDb, *attrs.TPid, dir, fileFormat, sep, compress)
	if err != nil {
		return utils.NewErrServerError(err)
	if err := tpExporter.Run(); err != nil {
		return utils.NewErrServerError(err)
	} else {
		*exported = *tpExporter.ExportStats()

	return nil

示例20: SetAccount

// Ads a new account into dataDb. If already defined, returns success.
func (self *ApierV1) SetAccount(attr utils.AttrSetAccount, reply *string) error {
	if missing := utils.MissingStructFields(&attr, []string{"Tenant", "Direction", "Account"}); len(missing) != 0 {
		return utils.NewErrMandatoryIeMissing(missing...)
	balanceId := utils.AccountKey(attr.Tenant, attr.Account, attr.Direction)
	var ub *engine.Account
	var ats engine.ActionPlans
	_, err := engine.Guardian.Guard(func() (interface{}, error) {
		if bal, _ := self.AccountDb.GetAccount(balanceId); bal != nil {
			ub = bal
		} else { // Not found in db, create it here
			ub = &engine.Account{
				Id: balanceId,

		if len(attr.ActionPlanId) != 0 {
			var err error
			ats, err = self.RatingDb.GetActionPlans(attr.ActionPlanId)
			if err != nil {
				return 0, err
			for _, at := range ats {
				at.AccountIds = append(at.AccountIds, balanceId)
		if attr.AllowNegative != nil {
			ub.AllowNegative = *attr.AllowNegative
		if attr.Disabled != nil {
			ub.Disabled = *attr.Disabled
		// All prepared, save account
		if err := self.AccountDb.SetAccount(ub); err != nil {
			return 0, err
		return 0, nil
	}, 0, balanceId)
	if err != nil {
		return utils.NewErrServerError(err)
	if len(ats) != 0 {
		_, err := engine.Guardian.Guard(func() (interface{}, error) { // ToDo: Try locking it above on read somehow
			if err := self.RatingDb.SetActionPlans(attr.ActionPlanId, ats); err != nil {
				return 0, err
			return 0, nil
		if err != nil {
			return utils.NewErrServerError(err)
		if self.Sched != nil {
	*reply = OK // This will mark saving of the account, error still can show up in actionTimingsId
	return nil









Golang utils.NewErrServerError函数代码示例发布时间:2022-05-23
Golang utils.MissingStructFields函数代码示例发布时间:2022-05-23





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