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TypeScript hittest.validate_bbox_coords函数代码示例

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本文整理汇总了TypeScript中core/hittest.validate_bbox_coords函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:TypeScript validate_bbox_coords函数的具体用法?TypeScript validate_bbox_coords怎么用?TypeScript validate_bbox_coords使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: _mask_data

  _mask_data(_all_indices) {
    let sx0, sx1, sy0, sy1, x0, x1, y0, y1;
    const [hr, vr] = this.renderer.plot_view.frame.bbox.ranges;

    // check for radius first
    if ((this._radius != null) && (this.model.properties.radius.units === "data")) {
      sx0 = hr.start;
      sx1 = hr.end;
      [x0, x1] = this.renderer.xscale.r_invert(sx0, sx1);
      x0 -= this.max_radius;
      x1 += this.max_radius;

      sy0 = vr.start;
      sy1 = vr.end;
      [y0, y1] = this.renderer.yscale.r_invert(sy0, sy1);
      y0 -= this.max_radius;
      y1 += this.max_radius;

    } else {
      sx0 = hr.start - this.max_size;
      sx1 = hr.end + this.max_size;
      [x0, x1] = this.renderer.xscale.r_invert(sx0, sx1);

      sy0 = vr.start - this.max_size;
      sy1 = vr.end + this.max_size;
      [y0, y1] = this.renderer.yscale.r_invert(sy0, sy1);

    const bbox = hittest.validate_bbox_coords([x0, x1], [y0, y1]);
    return this.index.indices(bbox);

示例2: _hit_point

  protected _hit_point(geometry: PointGeometry): Selection {
    const {sx, sy} = geometry
    const x = this.renderer.xscale.invert(sx)
    const x0 = x - this.max_outer_radius
    const x1 = x + this.max_outer_radius

    const y = this.renderer.yscale.invert(sy)
    const y0 = y - this.max_outer_radius
    const y1 = y + this.max_outer_radius

    const hits: [number, number][] = []

    const bbox = hittest.validate_bbox_coords([x0, x1], [y0, y1])
    for (const i of this.index.indices(bbox)) {
      const or2 = Math.pow(this.souter_radius[i], 2)
      const ir2 = Math.pow(this.sinner_radius[i], 2)
      const [sx0, sx1] = this.renderer.xscale.r_compute(x, this._x[i])
      const [sy0, sy1] = this.renderer.yscale.r_compute(y, this._y[i])
      const dist = Math.pow(sx0 - sx1, 2) + Math.pow(sy0 - sy1, 2)
      if (dist <= or2 && dist >= ir2)
        hits.push([i, dist])

    return hittest.create_hit_test_result_from_hits(hits)

示例3: _hit_point

  _hit_point(geometry) {
    const {sx, sy} = geometry;
    const x = this.renderer.xscale.invert(sx);
    const x0 = x - this.max_radius;
    const x1 = x + this.max_radius;

    const y = this.renderer.yscale.invert(sy);
    const y0 = y - this.max_radius;
    const y1 = y + this.max_radius;

    const hits = [];

    const bbox = hittest.validate_bbox_coords([x0, x1], [y0, y1]);
    for (const i of this.index.indices(bbox)) {
      const or2 = Math.pow(this.souter_radius[i], 2);
      const ir2 = Math.pow(this.sinner_radius[i], 2);
      const [sx0, sx1] = this.renderer.xscale.r_compute(x, this._x[i]);
      const [sy0, sy1] = this.renderer.yscale.r_compute(y, this._y[i]);
      const dist = Math.pow(sx0-sx1, 2) + Math.pow(sy0-sy1, 2);
      if ((dist <= or2) && (dist >= ir2)) {
        hits.push([i, dist]);

    return hittest.create_1d_hit_test_result(hits);

示例4: _mask_data

  protected _mask_data(): number[] {
    const [hr, vr] = this.renderer.plot_view.frame.bbox.ranges

    let x0: number, y0: number
    let x1: number, y1: number
    if (this._radius != null && this.model.properties.radius.units == "data") {
      const sx0 = hr.start
      const sx1 = hr.end
      ;[x0, x1] = this.renderer.xscale.r_invert(sx0, sx1)
      x0 -= this.max_radius
      x1 += this.max_radius

      const sy0 = vr.start
      const sy1 = vr.end
      ;[y0, y1] = this.renderer.yscale.r_invert(sy0, sy1)
      y0 -= this.max_radius
      y1 += this.max_radius
    } else {
      const sx0 = hr.start - this.max_size
      const sx1 = hr.end + this.max_size
      ;[x0, x1] = this.renderer.xscale.r_invert(sx0, sx1)

      const sy0 = vr.start - this.max_size
      const sy1 = vr.end + this.max_size
      ;[y0, y1] = this.renderer.yscale.r_invert(sy0, sy1)

    const bbox = hittest.validate_bbox_coords([x0, x1], [y0, y1])
    return this.index.indices(bbox)

示例5: _hit_span

  _hit_span(geometry) {
    let ms, x0, x1, y0, y1;
    const {sx, sy} = geometry;
    const {minX, minY, maxX, maxY} = this.bounds();
    const result = hittest.create_hit_test_result();

    if (geometry.direction === 'h') {
      y0 = minY;
      y1 = maxY;
      ms = this.max_size/2;
      const sx0 = sx - ms;
      const sx1 = sx + ms;
      [x0, x1] = this.renderer.xscale.r_invert(sx0, sx1);
    } else {
      x0 = minX;
      x1 = maxX;
      ms = this.max_size/2;
      const sy0 = sy - ms;
      const sy1 = sy + ms;
      [y0, y1] = this.renderer.yscale.r_invert(sy0, sy1);

    const bbox = hittest.validate_bbox_coords([x0, x1], [y0, y1]);
    const hits = this.index.indices(bbox);

    result['1d'].indices = hits;
    return result;

示例6: _hit_span

  protected _hit_span(geometry: SpanGeometry): Selection {
    const {sx, sy} = geometry
    const {minX, minY, maxX, maxY} = this.bounds()
    const result = hittest.create_empty_hit_test_result()

    let x0: number, x1: number
    let y0: number, y1: number
    if (geometry.direction == 'h') {
      y0 = minY
      y1 = maxY
      const ms = this.max_size/2
      const sx0 = sx - ms
      const sx1 = sx + ms
      ;[x0, x1] = this.renderer.xscale.r_invert(sx0, sx1)
    } else {
      x0 = minX
      x1 = maxX
      const ms = this.max_size/2
      const sy0 = sy - ms
      const sy1 = sy + ms
      ;[y0, y1] = this.renderer.yscale.r_invert(sy0, sy1)

    const bbox = hittest.validate_bbox_coords([x0, x1], [y0, y1])
    const hits = this.index.indices(bbox)

    result.indices = hits
    return result

示例7: _hit_rect

 _hit_rect(geometry) {
   const {sx0, sx1, sy0, sy1} = geometry;
   const [x0, x1] = this.renderer.xscale.r_invert(sx0, sx1);
   const [y0, y1] = this.renderer.yscale.r_invert(sy0, sy1);
   const bbox = hittest.validate_bbox_coords([x0, x1], [y0, y1]);
   const result = hittest.create_hit_test_result();
   result['1d'].indices = this.index.indices(bbox);
   return result;

示例8: _hit_rect

 protected _hit_rect(geometry: RectGeometry): Selection {
   const {sx0, sx1, sy0, sy1} = geometry
   const [x0, x1] = this.renderer.xscale.r_invert(sx0, sx1)
   const [y0, y1] = this.renderer.yscale.r_invert(sy0, sy1)
   const bbox = hittest.validate_bbox_coords([x0, x1], [y0, y1])
   const result = hittest.create_empty_hit_test_result()
   result.indices = this.index.indices(bbox)
   return result

示例9: _hit_point

  _hit_point(geometry) {
    let {sx, sy} = geometry;
    const x = this.renderer.xscale.invert(sx);
    const y = this.renderer.yscale.invert(sy);

    const scenter_x = ((() => {
      const result1 = [];
      for (let i = 0, end = this.sx0.length; i < end; i++) {
        result1.push(this.sx0[i] + (this.sw[i]/2));
      return result1;
    const scenter_y = ((() => {
      const result2 = [];
      for (let i = 0, end = this.sy1.length; i < end; i++) {
        result2.push(this.sy1[i] + (this.sh[i]/2));
      return result2;

    const max_x2_ddist = max(this._ddist(0, scenter_x, this.ssemi_diag));
    const max_y2_ddist = max(this._ddist(1, scenter_y, this.ssemi_diag));

    const x0 = x - max_x2_ddist;
    const x1 = x + max_x2_ddist;
    const y0 = y - max_y2_ddist;
    const y1 = y + max_y2_ddist;

    const hits = [];

    const bbox = hittest.validate_bbox_coords([x0, x1], [y0, y1]);
    for (const i of this.index.indices(bbox)) {
      let height_in, width_in;
      if (this._angle[i]) {
        const s = Math.sin(-this._angle[i]);
        const c = Math.cos(-this._angle[i]);
        const px = ((c * (sx-this.sx[i])) - (s * (sy-this.sy[i]))) + this.sx[i];
        const py = (s * (sx-this.sx[i])) + (c * (sy-this.sy[i])) + this.sy[i];
        sx = px;
        sy = py;
        width_in = Math.abs(this.sx[i]-sx) <= (this.sw[i]/2);
        height_in = Math.abs(this.sy[i]-sy) <= (this.sh[i]/2);
      } else {
        width_in = ((sx - this.sx0[i]) <= this.sw[i]) && ((sx - this.sx0[i]) >= 0);
        height_in = ((sy - this.sy1[i]) <= this.sh[i]) && ((sy - this.sy1[i]) >= 0);

      if (height_in && width_in) {

    const result = hittest.create_hit_test_result();
    result['1d'].indices = hits;
    return result;

示例10: _hit_point

  _hit_point(geometry) {
    let dist, r2, sx0, sx1, sy0, sy1, x0, x1, y0, y1;
    const {sx, sy} = geometry;
    const x = this.renderer.xscale.invert(sx);
    const y = this.renderer.yscale.invert(sy);

    // check radius first
    if ((this._radius != null) && (this.model.properties.radius.units === "data")) {
      x0 = x - this.max_radius;
      x1 = x + this.max_radius;

      y0 = y - this.max_radius;
      y1 = y + this.max_radius;

    } else {
      sx0 = sx - this.max_size;
      sx1 = sx + this.max_size;
      [x0, x1] = this.renderer.xscale.r_invert(sx0, sx1);
      [x0, x1] = [Math.min(x0, x1), Math.max(x0, x1)];

      sy0 = sy - this.max_size;
      sy1 = sy + this.max_size;
      [y0, y1] = this.renderer.yscale.r_invert(sy0, sy1);
      [y0, y1] = [Math.min(y0, y1), Math.max(y0, y1)];

    const bbox = hittest.validate_bbox_coords([x0, x1], [y0, y1]);
    const candidates = this.index.indices(bbox);

    const hits = [];
    if ((this._radius != null) && (this.model.properties.radius.units === "data")) {
      for (const i of candidates) {
        r2 = Math.pow(this.sradius[i], 2);
        [sx0, sx1] = this.renderer.xscale.r_compute(x, this._x[i]);
        [sy0, sy1] = this.renderer.yscale.r_compute(y, this._y[i]);
        dist = Math.pow(sx0-sx1, 2) + Math.pow(sy0-sy1, 2);
        if (dist <= r2) {
          hits.push([i, dist]);
    } else {
      for (const i of candidates) {
        r2 = Math.pow(this.sradius[i], 2);
        dist = Math.pow(this.sx[i]-sx, 2) + Math.pow(this.sy[i]-sy, 2);
        if (dist <= r2) {
          hits.push([i, dist]);

    return hittest.create_1d_hit_test_result(hits);









TypeScript TextDecoder.StringToUtf32类代码示例发布时间:2022-05-24
TypeScript hittest.point_in_poly函数代码示例发布时间:2022-05-24





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