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Python math.isinf函数代码示例

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本文整理汇总了Python中math.isinf函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python isinf函数的具体用法?Python isinf怎么用?Python isinf使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: PureStrategyDominance

def PureStrategyDominance(game, conditional=True, weak=False):
	pure-strategy dominance criterion for IEDS

	conditional==0==False --> unconditional dominance
	conditional==1==True ---> conditional dominance
	conditional==2 ---------> extra-conservative conditional dominance
	undominated = {r:set(game.strategies[r]) for r in game.roles}
	for r in game.roles:
		for dominant, dominated in product(game.strategies[r], repeat=2):
			if dominant == dominated or dominated not in undominated[r]:
			dominance_proved = False
			for profile in game:
				if dominated in profile[r]:
					reg = regret(game, profile, r, dominated, dominant)
					if reg > 0 and not isinf(reg):
						dominance_proved = True
					elif (reg < 0) or (reg == 0 and not weak) or \
							(isinf(reg) and conditional):
						dominance_proved = False
				elif dominant in profile[r] and conditional > 1:
					if profile.deviate(r, dominant, dominated) not in game:
						dominance_proved = False
			if dominance_proved:
	return Subgame(game, undominated)

示例2: xsString

def xsString(xc, p, source):
    if isinstance(source,bool):
        return 'true' if source else 'false'
    elif isinstance(source,float):
        if isnan(source):
            return "NaN"
        elif isinf(source):
            return "INF"
        numMagnitude = fabs(source)
        if numMagnitude < 1000000 and numMagnitude > .000001:
            # don't want floating notation which python does for more than 4 decimal places
            s = 
        s = str(source)
        if s.endswith(".0"):
            s = s[:-2]
        return s
    elif isinstance(source,Decimal):
        if isnan(source):
            return "NaN"
        elif isinf(source):
            return "INF"
        return str(source)
    elif isinstance(source,ModelValue.DateTime):
        return ('{0:%Y-%m-%d}' if source.dateOnly else '{0:%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S}').format(source)
    return str(source)

示例3: test_pow

    def test_pow(self):
        import math

        def pw(x, y):
            return x ** y
        def espeq(x, y):
            return not abs(x-y) > 1e05
        raises(ZeroDivisionError, pw, 0.0, -1)
        assert pw(0, 0.5) == 0.0
        assert espeq(pw(4.0, 0.5), 2.0)
        assert pw(4.0, 0) == 1.0
        assert pw(-4.0, 0) == 1.0
        assert type(pw(-1.0, 0.5)) == complex
        assert pw(-1.0, 2.0) == 1.0
        assert pw(-1.0, 3.0) == -1.0
        assert pw(-1.0, 1e200) == 1.0
        if self.py26:
            assert pw(0.0, float("-inf")) == float("inf")
            assert math.isnan(pw(-3, float("nan")))
            assert math.isnan(pw(-3., float("nan")))
            assert pw(-1.0, -float('inf')) == 1.0
            assert pw(-1.0, float('inf')) == 1.0
            assert pw(float('inf'), 0) == 1.0
            assert pw(float('nan'), 0) == 1.0

            assert math.isinf(pw(-0.5, float('-inf')))
            assert math.isinf(pw(+0.5, float('-inf')))
            assert pw(-1.5, float('-inf')) == 0.0
            assert pw(+1.5, float('-inf')) == 0.0

            assert str(pw(float('-inf'), -0.5)) == '0.0'
            assert str(pw(float('-inf'), -2.0)) == '0.0'
            assert str(pw(float('-inf'), -1.0)) == '-0.0'
            assert str(pw(float('-inf'), 1.0)) == '-inf'
            assert str(pw(float('-inf'), 2.0)) == 'inf'

示例4: isclose

    def isclose(a, b, rel_tol=1e-09, abs_tol=0.0):
        Determine whether two floating point numbers are close in value.

           maximum difference for being considered "close", relative to the
           magnitude of the input values
           maximum difference for being considered "close", regardless of the
           magnitude of the input values

        Return True if a is close in value to b, and False otherwise.

        For the values to be considered close, the difference between them
        must be smaller than at least one of the tolerances.

        -inf, inf and NaN behave similarly to the IEEE 754 Standard.  That
        is, NaN is not close to anything, even itself.  inf and -inf are
        only close to themselves.

        if rel_tol < 0.0 or abs_tol < 0.0:
            raise ValueError('error tolerances must be non-negative')

        if a == b:  # short-circuit exact equality
            return True
        if math.isinf(a) or math.isinf(b):
            # This includes the case of two infinities of opposite sign, or
            # one infinity and one finite number. Two infinities of opposite sign
            # would otherwise have an infinite relative tolerance.
            return False
        diff = abs(b - a)
        return (((diff <= abs(rel_tol * b)) and
                 (diff <= abs(rel_tol * a))) or
                (diff <= abs_tol))

示例5: combine_rshift

def combine_rshift(range1, range2):
    Combiner for Right shift operation.

    >>> import ast
    >>> combine(Range(10, 100), Range(3, 8), ast.RShift())
    Range(low=0, high=12)
    >>> combine(Range(10, float("inf")), Range(3, 8),
    ...                       ast.RShift())
    Range(low=0, high=inf)
    >>> combine(Range(-float("inf"), 0), Range(3, 8),
    ...                       ast.RShift())
    Range(low=-inf, high=0)
    >>> combine(Range(-30, 10), Range(3, float('inf')),
    ...                       ast.RShift())
    Range(low=-4, high=1)
    if range1.low <= 0:
        if isinf(range1.low):
            min_ = range1.low
            min_ = range1.low >> range2.low
    elif isinf(range2.high):
        min_ = 0
        min_ = range1.low >> range2.high
    if isinf(range1.high):
        max_ = range1.high
    elif isinf(range2.low):
        max_ = 0
        max_ = range1.high >> range2.low
    return Range(min_, max_)

示例6: retreive_WMS_metadata

    def retreive_WMS_metadata(typename):
        workspace, layername = decodeTypeName(typename)

        # workspace is hard-coded in the importer
        url = settings.OGC_SERVER['default']['LOCATION'] + workspace+"/"
        url += layername + "/wms?request=GetCapabilities&version=1.1.1"

        get_cap_data = CreateStoryLayerThumbnailTask.request_geoserver_with_credentials(
        wms = WebMapService(url, xml=get_cap_data)

        # I found that some dataset advertise illegal bounds - fix them up
        xmin = wms[layername].boundingBoxWGS84[0]
        if math.isnan(xmin) or math.isinf(xmin) or xmin < -180:
            xmin = -180

        ymin = wms[layername].boundingBoxWGS84[1]
        if math.isnan(ymin) or math.isinf(ymin) or ymin < -90:
            ymin = -90

        xmax = wms[layername].boundingBoxWGS84[2]
        if math.isnan(xmax) or math.isinf(xmax) or xmax > 180:
            xmax = 180

        ymax = wms[layername].boundingBoxWGS84[3]
        if math.isnan(ymax) or math.isinf(ymax) or ymax > 90:
            ymax = 90

        return [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax], wms[layername].timepositions

示例7: toVector

    def toVector(longitude, latitude):
        """Converts a set of spherical coordinates to a 3-vector.

        The conversion shall not be performed by any library, to ensure
        that the test case does not duplicate the code being tested.

        longitude : `Angle`
            The longitude (right ascension, azimuth, etc.) of the
        latitude : `Angle`
            The latitude (declination, elevation, etc.) of the

        x, y, z : `number`
            Components of the unit vector representation of
            `(longitude, latitude)`
        alpha = longitude.asRadians()
        delta = latitude.asRadians()
        if math.isnan(alpha) or math.isinf(alpha) or math.isnan(delta) or math.isinf(delta):
            return (nan, nan, nan)

        x = math.cos(alpha)*math.cos(delta)
        y = math.sin(alpha)*math.cos(delta)
        z = math.sin(delta)
        return (x, y, z)

示例8: parallel_line2d

def parallel_line2d(m, b, d):
    b_ = None
    if math.isinf(m) or math.isinf(-m):
        b_ = d
        b_ = b + d * math.sqrt(m * m + 1)
    return m, b_

示例9: add_point

    def add_point(self, label, pos, setpos, dmin, dmax):
        point = dict()
        point['pos'] = int(pos)
        label = label.upper()
        # Calculate point calibration if required
        if self.has_calibration():
            # Set to current physical position if no value supplied as argument
            if math.isinf(setpos):
                point['set'] = self.motor.position
                point['set'] = float(setpos)
            # If point exists, we use current min, max values
            if label in self.keys() and math.isinf(dmin) and math.isinf(dmax):
                p = self[label]
                min_pos = point['set'] + p['set'] - p['min']
                max_pos = point['set'] + p['set'] - p['max']
            # else, new point has new calibration,
            elif math.isinf(dmin) and math.isinf(dmax):
                min_pos = point['set']
                max_pos = point['set']
                min_pos = point['set'] + dmin
                max_pos = point['set'] + dmax

            point['min'] = min_pos
            point['max'] = max_pos

        self[label] = point

示例10: getBoundingBox2D

	def getBoundingBox2D(self):
		 Returns the bounding box of all active process elements in their 2D coordinate system.

		@return  :
		#Helper variables
		maxX = float("-inf")
		maxY = float("-inf")
		minX = float("inf")
		minY = float("inf")
		#Now iterate over all active process components
		for active in (self.activeProcessComponents + self.messageExchanges):
			if(hasattr(active, "hasAbstractVisualRepresentation")):
				point = active.hasAbstractVisualRepresentation.getPoint2D()
				#Max tests
				if(maxX < point[0]):
					maxX = point[0]
				if(maxY < point[1]):
					maxY = point[1]
				#Min tests
				if(minX > point[0]):
					minX = point[0]
				if(minY > point[1]):
					minY = point[1]
		#inf tests
			maxX = 0
			minX = 0
			maxY = 0
			minY = 0
		return [[minX, minY], [maxX, maxY]]

示例11: lgamma

def lgamma(x):
    """Compute the natural logarithm of the gamma function for x."""
    if isnan(x):
        return x
    if isinf(x):
        return INFINITY
    if x == math.floor(x) and x <= 2.0:
        if x <= 0.0:
            raise ValueError("math range error")
        return 0.0
    absx = abs(x)
    if absx < 1e-20:
        return -math.log(absx)
    if x > 0.0:
        r = math.log(_lanczos_sum(x)) - _lanczos_g + (x - 0.5) * (math.log(x + _lanczos_g - 0.5) - 1)
        r = (
            - math.log(abs(_sinpi(absx)))
            - math.log(absx)
            - (math.log(_lanczos_sum(absx)) - _lanczos_g + (absx - 0.5) * (math.log(absx + _lanczos_g - 0.5) - 1))
    if isinf(r):
        raise OverflowError("math domain error")
    return r

示例12: normalize

    def normalize(self):
        "It recovers the values got bad during the GML write-read cycle."
        if "normalized" in dir(self) and self.normalized:
        if "type" in self.vs.attributes():
            virtual = self.vs.select(type=1)
            for vertex in virtual:
                for attr in ("priority", "filesize",
                             "section", "summary", "version"):
                    vertex[attr] = None
                if "architecture" in self.vs.attributes():
                    vertex["architecture"] = None
        if "revision" in self.attributes():
            revision = self["revision"]
            if isinstance(revision, float) and not math.isnan(revision):
                self["revision"] = int(revision)

        del self.vs["id"]
        integer_attributes = (
            ("type", self.vs),
            ("filesize", self.vs),
            ("type", self.es),
        for attr, object_ in integer_attributes:
            if attr in object_.attributes():
                for item in object_:
                    value = item[attr]
                    if isinstance(value, float) and\
                            not math.isinf(value) and not math.isnan(value):
                        item[attr] = int(value)
                    elif value is not None and (math.isinf(value) or math.isnan(value)):
                        print("The value of the {0} attribute is {1} ({2})."
                              .format(attr, value, item["name"]))
        self.normalized = True

示例13: dataToScreen

 def dataToScreen(self, values):
     results = []
     if not isinstance(values,list):
         values = [values]
     for value in values:
             value = float(value)
             if math.isinf(value):
                 value = 'Missing'
             elif math.isinf(value):
                 value = 'Allele Masked'
         except (ValueError,TypeError):
             if value == variant.MISSING or value == None:
                 value = 'Missing'
             elif value == variant.ALLELE_MASKED:
                 value = 'Allele Masked'
         if isinstance(value,str):
             index = self.cats.get(value,len(self.cats)-1)
             if index < 0:
             elif index > self.latticeLength:
                 results.append(self.labelTop + (index+0.5)*self.cellSize)
             results.append(self.numericPixelLow + (value-self.numericDataLow)*self.dataToPixelRatio)
     return results

示例14: SetNuisanceBkgValue

    def SetNuisanceBkgValue(self, nuisname, value, bkg_name, year=None):
        if self.split_bkg_by_year and year is None:
            raise Exception("ERROR: backgrounds are split by year, you must specify which year you're doing!")        
        if year not in self.years:
            raise Exception("ERROR: year {0} not in list of years!".format(year))
        if bkg_name not in self.bkg_names:
            raise Exception("ERROR: bkg {0} not in list of backgrounds!".format(bkg_name))

        fullname = self.GetFullNuisName(nuisname, year)
        fullbkg = bkg_name + (str(year) if year is not None else "")
        fullidx = self.split_bkg_names.index(fullbkg)

        if type(value)==tuple:
            if self.nuisances[fullname].type not in  ["lnN","lnU"]:
                raise Exception("ERROR: only lnN/lnU nuisances support 2-sided values!")
            if value[0]>2.05 or value[1]>2.05 or value[0]<0.3 or value[1]<0.3:
                print "WARNING: nuisance {0} has a large value {1} (year {2}). Card: {3}".format(fullname, value, year, self.name)
            if isnan(value[0]) or isinf(value[0]) or isnan(value[1]) or isinf(value[1]):
                raise Exception("ERROR: nuisance value is nan or inf for nuis {0}, background {1}, year {2}".format(nuisname, bkg_name, year))
        elif type(value)==float:
            if self.nuisances[fullname].type in ["lnN","lnU"] and (value > 2.05 or value < 0.3):
                print "WARNING: nuisance {0} has a large value {1} (year {2}). Card: {3}".format(fullname, value, year, self.name)
            if isnan(value) or isinf(value):
                raise Exception("ERROR: nuisance value is nan or inf for nuis {0}, background {1}, year {2}".format(nuisname, bkg_name, year))
            raise Exception("ERROR: value must be a float or tuple of 2 float (upper,lower) (lnN/lnU only)")

        self.nuisances[fullname].bkg_values[fullidx] = value

示例15: isclose

def isclose(a, b, rel_tol=1e-09, abs_tol=0.0):
    Python 2 implementation of Python 3.5 math.isclose()
    # sanity check on the inputs
    if rel_tol < 0 or abs_tol < 0:
        raise ValueError("tolerances must be non-negative")

    # short circuit exact equality -- needed to catch two infinities of
    # the same sign. And perhaps speeds things up a bit sometimes.
    if a == b:
        return True

    # This catches the case of two infinities of opposite sign, or
    # one infinity and one finite number. Two infinities of opposite
    # sign would otherwise have an infinite relative tolerance.
    # Two infinities of the same sign are caught by the equality check
    # above.
    if math.isinf(a) or math.isinf(b):
        return False

    # equality check above would return false for nan, but we want
    # to return true
    if math.isnan(a) and math.isnan(b):
        return True

    # now do the regular computation
    # this is essentially the "weak" test from the Boost library
    diff = math.fabs(b - a)
    result = (((diff <= math.fabs(rel_tol * b)) or
               (diff <= math.fabs(rel_tol * a))) or
              (diff <= abs_tol))
    return result

示例16: weigh_objects

    def weigh_objects(self, weighed_obj_list, weight_properties):
        """Override the weigh objects.

        This override calls the parent to do the weigh objects and then
        replaces any infinite weights with a value that is a multiple of the
        delta between the min and max values.

        NOTE(jecarey): the infinite weight value is only used when the
        smallest value is being favored (negative multiplier).  When the
        largest weight value is being used a weight of -1 is used instead.
        See _weigh_object method.
        tmp_weights = super(CapacityWeigher, self).weigh_objects(
            weighed_obj_list, weight_properties)

        if math.isinf(self.maxval):
            # NOTE(jecarey): if all weights were infinite then parent
            # method returns 0 for all of the weights.  Thus self.minval
            # cannot be infinite at this point
            copy_weights = [w for w in tmp_weights if not math.isinf(w)]
            self.maxval = max(copy_weights)
            offset = (self.maxval - self.minval) * OFFSET_MULT
            self.maxval += OFFSET_MIN if offset == 0.0 else offset
            tmp_weights = [self.maxval if math.isinf(w) else w
                           for w in tmp_weights]

        return tmp_weights

示例17: test_floats_in_tiny_interval_within_bounds

def test_floats_in_tiny_interval_within_bounds(data, center):
    assume(not (math.isinf(next_down(center)) or math.isinf(next_up(center))))
    lo = Decimal.from_float(next_down(center)).next_plus()
    hi = Decimal.from_float(next_up(center)).next_minus()
    assert float(lo) < lo < center < hi < float(hi)
    val = data.draw(st.floats(lo, hi))
    assert lo < val < hi

示例18: sqrt

def sqrt(x):
    sqrt_special = [
        [inf-infj, 0-infj, 0-infj, infj, infj, inf+infj, nan+infj],
        [inf-infj, None, None, None, None, inf+infj, nan+nanj],
        [inf-infj, None, 0-0j, 0+0j, None, inf+infj, nan+nanj],
        [inf-infj, None, 0-0j, 0+0j, None, inf+infj, nan+nanj],
        [inf-infj, None, None, None, None, inf+infj, nan+nanj],
        [inf-infj, complex(float("inf"), -0.0), complex(float("inf"), -0.0), inf, inf, inf+infj, inf+nanj],
        [inf-infj, nan+nanj, nan+nanj, nan+nanj, nan+nanj, inf+infj, nan+nanj]

    z = _make_complex(x)

    if math.isinf(z.real) or math.isinf(z.imag):
        return sqrt_special[_special_type(z.real)][_special_type(z.imag)]

    abs_x, abs_y = abs(z.real), abs(z.imag)
    if abs_x < _DBL_MIN and abs_y < _DBL_MIN:
        if abs_x > 0 or abs_y > 0:
            abs_x = math.ldexp(abs_x, _CM_SCALE_UP)
            s = math.ldexp(math.sqrt(abs_x +
            return complex(0, z.imag)
        abs_x /= 8
        s = 2 * math.sqrt(abs_x + math.hypot(abs_x, abs_y/8))

    if z.real >= 0:
        return complex(s, math.copysign(abs_y/(2*s), z.imag))
    return complex(abs_y/(2*s), math.copysign(s, z.imag))

示例19: __rshift__

    def __rshift__(range1, range2):
        Combiner for Right shift operation.

        >>> Interval(10, 100) >> Interval(3, 8)
        Interval(low=0, high=12)
        >>> Interval(10, float("inf")) >> Interval(3, 8)
        Interval(low=0, high=inf)
        >>> Interval(-float("inf"), 0) >> Interval(3, 8)
        Interval(low=-inf, high=0)
        >>> Interval(-30, 10) >> Interval(3, float('inf'))
        Interval(low=-4, high=1)
        if range1.low <= 0:
            if isinf(range1.low):
                min_ = range1.low
                min_ = range1.low >> range2.low
        elif isinf(range2.high):
            min_ = 0
            min_ = range1.low >> range2.high
        if isinf(range1.high):
            max_ = range1.high
        elif isinf(range2.low):
            max_ = 0
            max_ = range1.high >> range2.low
        return Interval(min_, max_)

示例20: cosh

def cosh(x):
    _cosh_special = [
        [inf+nanj, None, inf, complex(float("inf"), -0.0), None, inf+nanj, inf+nanj],
        [nan+nanj, None, None, None, None, nan+nanj, nan+nanj],
        [nan, None, 1, complex(1, -0.0), None, nan, nan],
        [nan, None, complex(1, -0.0), 1, None, nan, nan],
        [nan+nanj, None, None, None, None, nan+nanj, nan+nanj],
        [inf+nanj, None, complex(float("inf"), -0.0), inf, None, inf+nanj, inf+nanj],
        [nan+nanj, nan+nanj, nan, nan, nan+nanj, nan+nanj, nan+nanj]

    z = _make_complex(x)

    if not isfinite(z):
        if math.isinf(z.imag) and not math.isnan(z.real):
            raise ValueError
        if math.isinf(z.real) and math.isfinite(z.imag) and z.imag != 0:
            if z.real > 0:
                return complex(math.copysign(inf, math.cos(z.imag)),
                               math.copysign(inf, math.sin(z.imag)))
            return complex(math.copysign(inf, math.cos(z.imag)),
                           -math.copysign(inf, math.sin(z.imag)))
        return _cosh_special[_special_type(z.real)][_special_type(z.imag)]

    if abs(z.real) > _LOG_LARGE_DOUBLE:
        x_minus_one = z.real - math.copysign(1, z.real)
        ret = complex(e * math.cos(z.imag) * math.cosh(x_minus_one),
                      e * math.sin(z.imag) * math.sinh(x_minus_one))
        ret = complex(math.cos(z.imag) * math.cosh(z.real),
                      math.sin(z.imag) * math.sinh(z.real))
    if math.isinf(ret.real) or math.isinf(ret.imag):
        raise OverflowError

    return ret









Python math.isnan函数代码示例发布时间:2022-05-27
Python math.isfinite函数代码示例发布时间:2022-05-27





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