
标题: android - 试图删除 Android Realm 文件,但出现异常 [打印本页]

作者: 菜鸟教程小白    时间: 2022-12-9 06:14
标题: android - 试图删除 Android Realm 文件,但出现异常

我正在尝试删除 Realm 文件以在用户注销时清除缓存。


Realm realm = Realm.getInstance(activity);

RealmConfiguration config = realm.getConfiguration();



11-05 23:56:00.902 27521-27521/com.my.app E/AndroidRuntime: java.lang.IllegalStateException: It's not allowed to delete the file associated with an open Realm. Remember to close() all the instances of the Realm before deleting its file.
11-05 23:56:00.902 27521-27521/com.my.app E/AndroidRuntime:     at io.realm.Realm.deleteRealm(Realm.java:1726)

我明明要关闭一些东西,但它说更多是开放的?我如何关闭所有 Realm ,以便我可以吹走一切并重新开始?

Best Answer-推荐答案

引自Realm documentation :

Realm implements Closeable in order to take care of native memory deallocation and file descriptors so it is important to remember to close your Realm instances when you are done with them.

Realm instances are reference counted, which means that if you call getInstance() twice in a thread, you will also have to call close() twice as well.

可能您没有在您创建的每个 Realm 实例上调用 close()

检查您的代码,找出 getInstance() 没有与 close() 匹配的地方。

关于android - 试图删除 Android Realm 文件,但出现异常,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33560431/

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